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Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q3 2022

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Great blog posts are sometimes hard to find (especially on Medium), so I decided to do a periodic list blog with my favorite posts of the past quarter or so.

Here is the next one. The posts below are ranked by lifetime views. This covers both Anton on Security and my posts from Google Cloud blog, and our Cloud Security Podcast too (subscribe).

Top 5 most popular posts of all times (these ended up being the same as last quarter):

“Security Correlation Then and Now: A Sad Truth About SIEM”
“Can We Have “Detection as Code”?”
“New Paper: “Future of the SOC: SOC People — Skills, Not Tiers”
“New Paper: “Future of the SOC: Forces shaping modern security operations”
“Role of Context in Threat Detection”

Top 5 posts with the most Medium fans (these are also the same as last quarter):

“Security Correlation Then and Now: A Sad Truth About SIEM”
“Beware: Clown-grade SOCs Still Abound”
“Can We Have “Detection as Code”?”
“Why Is Threat Detection Hard?”
“A SOC Tried To Detect Threats in the Cloud … You Won’t Believe What Happened Next”

Top 5 Cloud Security Podcast by Google episodes:

Episode 1“Confidentially Speaking”
Episode 47 “Megatrends, Macro-changes, Microservices, Oh My! Changes in 2022 and Beyond in Cloud Security”
Episode 2 “Data Security in the Cloud”
Episode 8 “Zero Trust: Fast Forward from 2010 to 2021”
Episode 3 Automate and/or Die?

Random fun new posts:

“Detection as Code? No, DETECTION AS COOKING”
“How to Think about Threat Detection in the Cloud”
“SOC is Not Dead Yet It May Be Reborn As Security Operations Center of Excellence”

Now, fun posts by topic.

Security operations / detection & response:

“[Infographic] Achieving Autonomic Security Operations: Why metrics matter (but not how you think)” [GCP blog]
“Security Correlation Then and Now: A Sad Truth About SIEM”
“Can We Have “Detection as Code”?”
“New Paper: “Future of the SOC: SOC People — Skills, Not Tiers””
“Beware: Clown-grade SOCs Still Abound”
“Stop Trying to Take Humans Out of SOC … Except … Wait… Wait… Wait…”
“Revisiting the Visibility Triad for 2020”
“Why is Threat Detection Hard?”
“A SOC Tried To Detect Threats in the Cloud … You Won’t Believe What Happened Next”
”Top 10 SIEM Log Sources in Real Life?”
“Achieving Autonomic Security Operations: Reducing toil” [GCP Blog]

Data security:

“How autonomic data security can help define cloud’s future” [GCP blog]
“New whitepaper: Designing and deploying a data security strategy with Google Cloud” [GCP Blog]
“The cloud trust paradox: To trust cloud computing more, you need the ability to trust it less” [GCP Blog]
“The cloud trust paradox: 3 scenarios where keeping encryption keys off the cloud may be necessary” [GCP Blog]
“Data Security and Threat Models”
“Lost in translation: encryption, key management, and real security” [GCP Blog]
“Musings on Modern Data Security”
“Improving security, compliance, and governance with cloud-based DLP data discovery” [GCP Blog]
“Transform data to secure it: Use Cloud DLP” [GCP Blog]
“Not just compliance: reimagining DLP for today’s cloud-centric world” [GCP Blog]

Cloud security:

“How CISOs need to adapt their mental models for cloud security” [GCP blog]
“How to think about threat detection in the cloud” [GCP blog]
“A SOC Tried To Detect Threats in the Cloud … You Won’t Believe What Happened Next”
“Not the Final Answer on NDR in the Cloud …
“Who Does What In Cloud Threat Detection?”
“Cloud Migration Security Woes”
“Move to Cloud: A Chance to Finally Transform Security?”
“Is Your Fate In the Cloud?”


Previous posts in this series:

Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q2 2022
Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q1 2022
Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q4 2021
Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q3 2021
Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q2 2021
Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q1 2021
Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q3.5 2020

Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q3 2022 was originally published in Anton on Security on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

The post Anton’s Security Blog Quarterly Q3 2022 appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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