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thehackernews – FIN7 Hackers Using Windows 11 Themed Documents to Drop Javascript Backdoor

A recent wave of spear-phishing campaigns leveraged weaponized Windows 11 Alpha-themed Word documents with Visual Basic macros to drop malicious payloads, including a JavaScript implant, against...

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Cisco Security Blog – The Risk-Conscious, Security-Aware Culture: The Forgotten Critical Security Control

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) across the Global 2000 and Fortune 1000 are obsessed with protecting the workforce endpoints as critical vulnerabilities in the cybersecurity and...

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The Hacker News – New SaaS Security Report Dives into the Concerns and Plans of CISOs in 2021

For years, security professionals have recognized the need to enhance SaaS security. However, the exponential adoption of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications over 2020 turned slow-burning embers into...

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threatpost – Baby Clothes Giant Carter’s Leaks 410K Customer Records

Purchase automation software delivered shortened URLs without protections. Baby clothes retailer Carter’s inadvertently exposed the personal data of hundreds of thousands of its customers, dating back...

CISO Cyber Security Data Breaches EA Games Global Source Codee The Register

The Register – EA Games looted by intruders: Publisher says ‘no player data accessed’ after reported theft of FIFA 21, Frostbite source

‘Surprise stealing mechanics’ made short work of network perimeter security Gareth CorfieldFri 11 Jun 2021 // 12:25 UTC EA Games, publisher of Battlefield, The Sims and FIFA, has admitted to a “recent incident of intrusion into...