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What is Web Application Penetration Testing? [+ Checklist] – Source: securityboulevard.com

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Source: securityboulevard.com – Author: Harman Singh

Secure code ensures the Internet runs smoothly, safely, and securely. This includes examples from our banks to online stores, all through web applications. With web application penetration testing, secure coding is encouraged to deliver secure code.

In this blog topic, we discuss a range of issues under the web application penetration testing topic:

  • What is web application penetration testing?
  • Its role and importance
  • Web app pentesting methodologies
  • Steps to perform web application pentesting
  • Web application scanning Vs. Penetration testing
  • Legal considerations
  • Web application penetration testing tools and reporting
  • Testing duration and costs
  • Automated vs manual
  • Web app pentesting checklist

What is web application penetration testing?

Web application penetration testing (pen testing) is a simulated cyberattack on your web applications. Skilled security experts mimic the methods of real hackers to uncover vulnerabilities that could be exploited for unauthorised access, data theft, or system disruption.

The Critical Role of Web Application Penetration Test

In today’s digital world, web app pen testing is essential for businesses. Consider these benefits:

  • Security Beyond the Surface: Pen testing uncovers hidden security flaws that automated scans might miss, giving you a deeper understanding of your risks.
  • Proactive Risk Mitigation: Address vulnerabilities before attackers exploit them, minimising the potential for costly data breaches and reputational damage.
  • Compliance Alignment: Meet industry-specific regulations and demonstrate your commitment to data security best practices.
  • Building Customer Trust: Show customers that you prioritise the security of their data, strengthening your brand’s trustworthiness.

Evolving Technologies & Pen Testing’s Importance


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As web applications become more complex (PWAs, SPAs, cloud integration), so do the attack vectors. Regular penetration testing helps you avoid emerging threats and ensures new technologies don’t introduce additional vulnerabilities.

The Importance of Web Application Penetration Testing

Web app pen testing is not merely a technical exercise but a business imperative reinforcing an organisation, ensuring the safety and security of online transactions and sensitive data.

  • Risk Mitigation: Web App Penetration testing identifies vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, effectively reducing the risk of application vulnerability that can be exploited.
  • Customer Confidence: By demonstrating a commitment to security, businesses build trust with clients, ensuring their personal and financial information is safe.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to legal and industry standards is not optional. Application Pen testing helps businesses stay compliant, avoiding fines and legal concerns.
  • Competitive Edge: A secure web application is a market differentiator, positioning your company as a reliable and safe option in a landscape fraught with risks.

Secure Code: The Foundation of Safe Online Business

The bedrock of any secure web application is its code. Secure coding practices are essential to avoid cyber attacks and protect the integrity of online business operations. By investing in secure code and application security controls, businesses ensure:

  • Reliability: Robust applications perform consistently, maintaining uptime and ensuring business operations run safely and securely.
  • Data Integrity: Secure code guards against unauthorised access and alterations, ensuring that data remains accurate and reliable.
  • Safety: Protecting users from threats like identity theft and fraud, secure code is the unsung hero of the Internet, enabling safe and secure business transactions.

A secure web application underpins the essence of safe and secure online commerce, whether it’s an online grocery store, SaaS solution, marketplace, banking or shopping site, enabling businesses to operate in the digital age confidently.

Web app pentesting methodologies

These are the most popular web application penetration testing methodologies at play.

  • OWASP Testing Guide: Created by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), this guide provides a structured framework for identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities. It’s a widely used industry standard.
  • OSSTMM: The Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual offers a comprehensive approach to security testing, focusing strongly on manual testing techniques.
  • PTES: The Penetration Testing Execution Standard provides a detailed, technical framework for executing penetration tests across various phases.
  • NIST SP 800-115: Created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), this guide outlines technical processes for penetration testing and security assessments.

Choosing a Methodology

The most suitable methodology depends on factors like your organisation’s needs, regulatory requirements, and web architecture. Combining elements from different methods is often beneficial to create a tailored approach.

Steps to perform web application penetration testing

Cyphere has a five-step process, with the last step optional and based on the customer’s choice around remediation. These are:

Planning and Scoping

  • Define clear objectives for the test (e.g., identify data breach risks, specific requirements, in scope and out of scope elements or to assess compliance).
  • Determine the scope of testing – specific applications, functionalities, and data types.
  • Obtain explicit authorisation from the application owner. For instance, in the UK, Cyphere asks all customers to e-sign the authorisation forms to comply with the Computer Misuse Act.
  • Establish a clear timeline for the testing.

Information Gathering (Reconnaissance)

  • Identify technologies used (web servers, frameworks, programming languages).
  • Map out the application’s structure and functionality.
  • Find potential entry points for attacks.

Vulnerability Scanning

  • Use automated tools to scan for known vulnerabilities.
  • Supplement with manual testing to uncover more complex issues.


  • Attempt to gain unauthorised access by exploiting discovered vulnerabilities.
  • Determine the level of access obtainable and potential impact.


  • Create a detailed report documenting findings.
  • Rank vulnerabilities by severity (critical, high, medium, low).
  • Provide clear remediation recommendations for each vulnerability.
  • Offer strategic insights to improve overall application security.

Remediation and Retesting

  • Developers address identified vulnerabilities based on the report.
  • Conduct retesting to verify fixes and ensure new vulnerabilities haven’t been introduced.

Automated Vs Manual Pen Testing of Applications

Automated penetration testing of applications involves using tools and software to identify potential vulnerabilities automatically. This method is cost-effective, time-efficient, and excellent at identifying known vulnerabilities. On the other hand, manual penetration testing involves a security consultant who manually checks for vulnerabilities. This method effectively identifies complex or business logic vulnerabilities that automated tools might miss. Here are the pros and cons of both approaches, which may be combined to bring out the best in specific environments where regular checks are required.

Pros and cons of automated web application penetration testing

  • Pros:

    • Faster and more efficient than manual testing
    • It can be used to test large number of applications
    • It can be used to test applications regularly
  • Cons:

    • It may not be as effective as manual testing at finding all vulnerabilities
    • It can be expensive to implement and maintain
    • It may require specialized skills and knowledge to use

Pros and cons of manual penetration testing

  • Pros:

    • It is more effective at finding all vulnerabilities than automated testing
    • It can be used to test applications of any size or bigger complexity
    • It can be used to test applications that are not compatible with automated testing tools
  • Cons:

    • Slower and less efficient than automated testing
    • It can be expensive to implement and maintain
    • Requires specialised skills and knowledge to perform

Which type of web application penetration testing is right for you?

The best type of web app pentesting for your organisation will depend on your specific needs and budget. If you need to test your applications frequently or on a large scale, then automated pentesting may be a good option with an annual manual pentest. This approach will ensure that your organisation covers all possible grounds to find vulnerabilities. An additional step may include source code reviews to assure code routines.

Many organisations use both types of testing to get the best results.

Here are some additional things to consider when choosing between the two:

  • The size and complexity of your applications: If you have large and complex applications, automated web app scanning may be a better option, as testing them using automated tools can be more efficient.
  • Your budget: Automated web app pentesting is cheaper, and manual app pen testing is generally the costlier option.
  • Your security needs: If you need to find all vulnerabilities possible, then a manual application pen test may be a better option, as it is more effective at finding complex vulnerabilities such as business logic, multi-step processes, chained vulnerabilities, and exploitation.
  • Your resources: If you have limited security resources, automated web app scanning may be a good start, as it does not require as much specialised knowledge and skills.

Legal Considerations for Web Application Pen Testing in the UK

Operating within the UK’s legal framework is critical for web application penetration tests. Here’s why:

  • The Computer Misuse Act 1990: This law prohibits unauthorised access to computers. Always obtain explicit permission from the web application owner before testing. A signed contract outlining the scope of the test is essential.
  • Data Protection Act 2018 (including UK GDPR): Handle any personal data you find during testing with the utmost care. Follow the principles of data protection throughout the process.
  • Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR): Be aware of these regulations governing electronic communications.

Ensure your legal contracts address data protection and privacy concerns. This protects you and your client.

Web Application Pentesting Tools

Various tools, from open-source to commercial options, are available for web application penetration testing. The choice of tools depends on factors such as the type of web application, the specific testing requirements, and the organisation’s budget.

Open Source Tools

Open-source web app testing tools are typically free to use and distribute. A community of volunteers often develops them and has a large user base. Open source tools can be a good option for organisations with limited budgets or who need a highly customisable tool. However, open-source tools may not have the same support or features as commercial tools.

Some of the most popular open-source tools include:

  • OWASP ZAP: A comprehensive web application security scanner that can identify various vulnerabilities.
  • SQLMap: A tool specifically designed to detect and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities

Paid Tools

Commercial web app testing tools are typically paid software. They are often developed by companies specialising in security testing and have a team of experts who provide reports and updates. Commercial tools can be a good option for organisations with larger budgets and who need a tool that is easy to use and has a wide range of features.

Some of the most popular commercial web application penetration testing tools include:

  • Burp Suite: A powerful web application security testing platform that includes various manual and automated testing tools.
  • Acunetix: A comprehensive web application vulnerability scanner that can identify various vulnerabilities.
  • Netsparker: A web application vulnerability scanner that can identify various vulnerabilities.

How much does a web application pen test cost?

The cost of commercial web application penetration testing can range from £3000-4000 for a small application and £4000-8000 for a medium-sized web application, depending on factors such as:

  • The scope of the test
  • Complexity of the system, such as input fields, privileges, integrations, sub-domains, APIs
  • The type of testing methodology, such as black box, is cheaper than white-box pentest.
  • Qualifications and experience of the testers compared to generic teams doing assessment

By investing in commercial tools, organisations can ensure that they are using the most up-to-date and effective testing methods, ultimately improving the security of their web applications.

Why Cyphere is your choice for web application penetration testing requirements?

  • CREST Accredited: Cyphere is officially accredited by CREST, guaranteeing top-quality service that meets industry standards.
  • Experienced Team: With 15+ years of experience across the UK, US, and Europe, our team has the knowledge to handle even complex web application assessments.
  • Industry Exposure: We’ve worked in finance, insurance, retail, and healthcare. This gives us broad insight into your industry’s specific security needs.
  • Comprehensive Services: We offer everything from standard testing to API security, threat modelling, and code reviews.
  • Customised approach: We tailor our approach to your unique needs and security goals.
  • Regular Updates: We stay up-to-date on the latest security trends for optimal testing.
  • Competitive Pricing: Our pricing varies based on the project’s scope and complexity.
  • Strong Customer Focus: We prioritise your satisfaction, providing detailed reports and clear recommendations.

How long does Web Application Penetration Testing take?

The testing length varies depending on the application’s complexity and the project’s scope. Typically, expect a few days for simple apps and up to a couple of weeks for more complex ones.

What Would the Web App Penetration Testing Report Look Like?

The report is a crucial document detailing all our findings. Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll find in a high-quality pen testing report:

  • Executive Summary: A clear, non-technical overview for management and executives. This section highlights the most critical vulnerabilities and provides high-level recommendations for improving the application’s security.
  • Strategic and Tactical Recommendations: Actionable advice for both immediate fixes and long-term security improvements. This may include recommendations for implementing security controls, updating software, or addressing architectural vulnerabilities.
  • Detailed Technical Findings: In-depth information for developers and technical staff. Each vulnerability will be described, along with potential exploits and the specific lines of code or application sections where they occur.
  • Testing Methodology: A comprehensive description of our testing processes, including the tools and techniques used. This helps provide transparency and reproducibility of the findings.
  • List of Vulnerabilities: Each identified vulnerability is listed and ranked by severity, such as Critical, High, Medium, or Low. This ranking helps prioritise remediation efforts.
  • Potential Impact and Likelihood: An assessment of the potential damage that could occur if the vulnerability is exploited and the probability of successful exploitation. This helps determine the urgency of remediation.
  • Verification Details: Evidence to support the findings, such as screenshots, network captures, or proof-of-concept code. This demonstrates the validity of the vulnerabilities.
  • Recommendations for Remediation: Specific, actionable steps to fix each vulnerability. Recommendations could include patching, code changes, configuration adjustments, or implementing additional security controls.

Additionally, the report may also include:

  • Retesting Results: If applicable, the report will show results from retesting after remediation efforts, ensuring vulnerabilities have been effectively addressed.
  • Appendices: Additional technical details, references, or supporting materials may be provided.

Businesses that can benefit from web app pentesting pentesting

Web application security is vital for any business with an online presence, but these sectors have particularly compelling reasons to prioritise penetration testing:

  • Online Retail: E-commerce businesses store and process sensitive customer data (names, addresses, payment information). Pen testing helps protect against data breaches, ensuring customer trust and safeguarding reputation.
  • Financial Services: Banks, lenders, and other financial institutions are prime targets for cyberattacks due to the valuable financial data they handle. Web app pen testing is crucial for protecting customer assets and complying with strict financial regulations.
  • Healthcare: Hospitals, clinics, and health tech companies all handle susceptible patient data. Penetration testing is vital to maintaining confidentiality, complying with regulations (like NHS DSPT and DTAC), and preventing unauthorised access.
  • Legaltech: Law firms and legal software companies deal with confidential client information. Web app pen testing minimises the risk of data leaks that could result in legal repercussions or damage to reputation.
  • Startups: Startups often focus on rapid growth, sometimes overlooking security. From an early stage, pen testing builds secure foundations and establishes trust with investors and clients.
  • Software Development: Companies developing web applications must ensure their products are secure before release. Penetration testing helps them identify and fix vulnerabilities, preventing costly security incidents post-launch.
  • SaaS Businesses: SaaS (software-as-a-service) providers are responsible for securing customer data in their applications. Proactive pen testing demonstrates their commitment to security and data privacy.

Bonus: Web app pentesting checklist to download

Our web application pen testers at Cyphere have prepared an extensive penetration testing checklist, available for free.

Download it here 

How Cyphere can help with your web application security posture?

Cyphere provides comprehensive services designed to strengthen your web applications against the ever-evolving threat landscape. Our approach combines deep technical expertise with a business-centric mindset to safeguard your assets and reputation.

CREST Accredited Web Application Penetration Testing

Our CREST accreditation validates our adherence to industry standards. Our experienced testers meticulously probe your web applications, uncovering vulnerabilities that could lead to unauthorised access, data breaches, or system downtime. Our application security services include:

Beyond Technical Testing

Cyphere goes beyond merely identifying vulnerabilities. We deliver:

  • Actionable Remediation Guidance: We provide transparent, prioritised recommendations on how to fix identified security issues, enabling your team to act swiftly.
  • Strategic Security Insights: We help you understand your security posture, providing insights to inform long-term improvements and risk reduction strategies.
  • Partnership Approach: We treat your security as our own, offering support throughout your security journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose Cyphere?

We are CREST accredited, guaranteeing high-quality penetration testing services. Our experienced team brings deep expertise in web application security across various industries.

How often should I perform web application penetration testing?

At a minimum, test annually. Frequent updates to your application or significant changes to the threat landscape might warrant more frequent testing.

What are the best practices to secure a web app?

Employ secure coding practices and input validation to prevent common attacks. Implement strong access controls, encryption, regular patching, and continuous monitoring.

What are some of the web app security vulnerabilities?

Common vulnerabilities include SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), broken authentication, and sensitive data exposure.

Original Post URL: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/05/what-is-web-application-penetration-testing-checklist/

Category & Tags: Application Security,Security Bloggers Network,Cyber Security – Application Security,Security Bloggers Network,Cyber Security

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