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Cybercrime , Fraud Management & Cybercrime
Firm Allegedly Embedded DDoS at the Request of a Foreign Client Anviksha More (AnvikshaMore) • December 3, 2024

A South Korean company exported 240,000 satellite receivers with distributed denial-of-service attack capabilities, leading to the arrest of its CEO by the Korean National Police Agency.
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The Korean National Police Agency Friday arrested the CEO and five employees of the satellite company after a July tip-off from the Interpol. South Korean authorities launched an investigation, culminating in the arrests and asset seizures.
The company and its employees face criminal prosecution for allegedly violating South Korea’s cybersecurity laws.
Authorities said the receivers were enhanced with DDoS attack capabilities at the request of a foreign entity. This request came in November 2018 from an unidentified overseas company that specializes in illegal broadcasting. According to investigators, the firm sought DDoS functionalities to fend off cyberattacks from a competing illegal broadcaster.
The relationship between the two companies dates back to 2017, with the Korean firm supplying its customer with satellite receivers long before the malicious capabilities were added.
The investigation uncovered that Korean firm embedded the DDoS functionalities directly into the receivers, disguising them as ordinary broadcasting equipment. Modifications enabled the devices to launch cyberattacks on command, exploiting their distribution in networks of unsuspecting users.
In addition to arresting the CEO and employees, police issued an international arrest warrant for a foreign buyer linked to client firm. This individual is considered a key player in orchestrating the illegal activities surrounding the DDoS-capable satellite receivers.
A South Korean court also authorized the seizure of the company’s assets and the confiscation of $4.35 million, the revenue reportedly earned from selling the malicious satellite receivers.
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