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Google To Replace the “Padlock Icon” with the “Tune Icon” in Chrome 117 Version – Source: securityboulevard.com

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Source: securityboulevard.com – Author: SSLWiki

Chrome’s “Padlock Icon” is to be replaced by “Tune Icon” in the Latest Version 117, According to Google

Google recently announced that they will be replacing the padlock icon in the Chrome address bar with a new “tune icon” in the upcoming Chrome 117 release. The padlock icon has been used in Chrome for years to indicate that a website is using HTTPS and the connection is secure. The new tune icon is designed to represent that the page has been optimized by the site owner.

What is the Tune Icon?

The new tune icon looks like a small spiral. According to Google, the tune icon will appear when web developers have properly optimized their site for Chrome using technologies like AMP, PWA, loading best practices, and more. The goal of the icon is to indicate to users that the site will load quickly and smoothly. The tune icon will start to roll out to a limited set of optimized sites with the Chrome 117 release and expand from there.

Why is Google Replacing the Padlock?

The padlock icon has become an industry standard to show site security. So why is Google replacing it? There are a few reasons:

  • HTTPS is Now Ubiquitous: HTTPS usage has massively expanded, with over 90% of pages loaded in Chrome now using HTTPS. The padlock no longer conveys useful information to most users.
  • Focus on Site Experience: Google wants to shift the focus to site experience and performance rather than just security. The tune icon is designed specifically to indicate a good site experience.
  • Avoiding Confusion: The padlock icon is sometimes confused as an indicator of overall site trustworthiness rather than just encryption. The tune icon helps avoid this confusion by being very focused on on-site optimization.
  • Promoting Next-Gen Web Tech: By tying the tune icon to the use of technologies like AMP and PWA, Google is promoting the adoption of next-generation web capabilities that they’re invested in. The tune icon acts as an incentive for developers to optimize their sites.

Reaction and Analysis

The reaction to the logo change among developers and users is mixed. Some see the benefits of the shift as outlined by Google, while others are concerned about change and a bit of “icon overload. “.

Here are some of the key perspectives:


  • It promotes a focus on the user experience, which benefits both web users and developers.
  • It encourages the adoption of new web capabilities that have tangible UX benefits.
  • It helps avoid confusion around the purpose of the padlock icon.


  • It may be confusing to have multiple icons in the address bar indicating different things.
  • There is a preference for the familiar padlock icon that has been used for years.
  • Tying the tune icon to specific Google-backed web technologies is seen by some as manipulative.
  • There are concerns the tune icon will be used in ways that aren’t fully transparent to users.
  • It adds one more thing for web developers to optimize to appease Google.

The tune icon is a controversial change, but it seems likely to provide some benefits, at least for more optimized websites. The impact on users and the open web overall remains to be seen and will depend greatly on how both Google and web developers employ the new icon. If used responsibly, the tune icon could be a positive shift that makes the web faster and more user-friendly. If misused, it risks being more confusing and self-serving.

Overall, while the padlock icon will be missed, the tune icon seems a well-intentioned experiment by Google to nudge web developers into focusing on site speed and experience. But its implementation and impact must be monitored to ensure the open web thrives.


Google Chrome is making a major change by replacing the padlock security icon with a new tune icon to represent site optimization. The goal is to encourage web developers to focus on building fast, smooth web experiences and to promote next-gen web capabilities. The response has been mixed, with some seeing benefits but others concerned about risks and unintended consequences. How the tune icon impacts the web going forward largely depends on how responsibly it is implemented and adopted. It could drive meaningful improvements but must be monitored to sustain an open web.

The post Google To Replace the “Padlock Icon” with the “Tune Icon” in Chrome 117 Version appeared first on SSLWiki.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from SSLWiki authored by SSLWiki. Read the original post at: https://sslwiki.org/google-replace-padlock-icon-with-tune-icon/

Original Post URL: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/07/google-to-replace-the-padlock-icon-with-the-tune-icon-in-chrome-117-version/

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