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Envisioning a mobile-powered government workforce – Source: securityboulevard.com

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Source: securityboulevard.com – Author: Jacob Hughes

A digital shield

ATARC’s Future of Secure Work Working Group, of which Privoro’s Heather McMahon is a member, recently published a white paper exploring what the future of secure mobility within the Federal government looks like. The working group envisions a dynamic and efficient workforce that seamlessly leverages mobile devices in a way that satisfies the needs of personnel, security managers and leaders alike.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Be Aware authored by Jacob Hughes. Read the original post at: https://blog.privoro.com/envisioning-a-mobile-powered-government-workforce

Original Post URL: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/03/envisioning-a-mobile-powered-government-workforce/

Category & Tags: Security Bloggers Network,secure mobility,Secure Spaces – Security Bloggers Network,secure mobility,Secure Spaces

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