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The Unsung Heroes: Security Teams Grappling with Personal Cyber Threats to Executives – Source: securityboulevard.com

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Source: securityboulevard.com – Author: Leigh Dow

In a world that is more connected than ever, cybersecurity has become a fundamental aspect of any business. With every individual and entity being a potential target, security teams have been continuously ramping up their efforts to fortify their organizations’ defenses. However, as these security measures within corporations strengthen, a new challenge has emerged. Cybercriminals, deterred by the hardening security walls of corporations, are opting for softer targets, primarily the personal digital lives of executives.

Security teams find themselves on the frontline of this burgeoning threat. They work tirelessly to shield individuals’ personal lives from cyber-attacks, representing a shift in focus from securing the corporate realm to a more personal one. This shift has created a slew of new challenges, putting undue pressure on the already overtaxed security personnel.

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A recent survey highlighted the magnitude of this problem. An overwhelming 35% of respondents rated the time they spend dealing with personal cyber threats to executives as a nine or ten, on a scale where ten signifies extremely time-consuming. This data illustrates how cybersecurity teams’ work has been skewed towards protecting executives’ personal digital assets, even though it technically falls outside their traditional purview.

Perhaps even more telling of the burden faced by security teams is the emotional toll these challenges exact. A staggering 63% of respondents admitted to losing sleep over concerns related to safeguarding executives on their personal devices or accounts. This fact is a stark reminder of the personal sacrifices these professionals are making to ensure the security of their organizations and their leaders.

In essence, as cybercriminals shift their focus to more vulnerable personal targets, the work of security teams becomes more complex and taxing. They are now expected to protect not only the digital assets within the confines of their organizations but also those of executives outside the professional realm. This represents a significant extension of their responsibilities, made even more challenging due to the lack of control and oversight they typically have over personal devices and home networks.

This new reality underscores the need for a renewed approach towards cybersecurity. Organizations need to reassess their strategies, taking into account the changing threat landscape and the increased pressure on their security teams. 

A multifaceted solution is required, involving increased cybersecurity awareness among executives, better security tools for personal devices, and possibly expanding the resources and capabilities of security teams.

In conclusion, as the battlefield of cybersecurity expands to include the personal digital lives of executives, the pressure on security teams rises. Recognizing this shift and proactively addressing these challenges is crucial for the resilience of organizations in the face of these evolving threats. At the same time, it is important to acknowledge the immense dedication and sacrifice of these unsung heroes in their unrelenting battle against cyber threats.

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Understanding the Serious Risks to Executive's Personal Cybersecurity & Digital Lives

The post The Unsung Heroes: Security Teams Grappling with Personal Cyber Threats to Executives appeared first on BlackCloak | Protect Your Digital Life™.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from BlackCloak | Protect Your Digital Life™ authored by Leigh Dow. Read the original post at: https://blackcloak.io/the-unsung-heroes-security-teams-grappling-with-personal-cyber-threats-to-executives/

Original Post URL: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/06/the-unsung-heroes-security-teams-grappling-with-personal-cyber-threats-to-executives/

Category & Tags: Data Security,Security Bloggers Network,Threats & Breaches,Cyber Threats,Cybersecurity,Data breaches,education,Executive Online Protection,research – Data Security,Security Bloggers Network,Threats & Breaches,Cyber Threats,Cybersecurity,Data breaches,education,Executive Online Protection,research

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