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Protecting Your Enterprise Data from a Coming Cyber Storm – Source: securityboulevard.com

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Source: securityboulevard.com – Author: Thomas Stoesser

Protecting Your Enterprise Data from a Coming Cyber Storm

There’s no better way to understand the biggest threats to enterprise cybersecurity than spending a few days at Infosecurity Europe. The region’s largest cybersecurity conference and trade show, held each June in London, invites CISOs and industry luminaries from across the globe to share their insight. Worryingly, the consensus at this year’s event was that the bad guys are pulling ahead, while network defenders struggle to manage an ever-expanding attack surface. The big picture is this: enterprise data has never been more exposed to external attacks. It should provide yet another reason to double down on data-centric security as a core priority.

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*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from comforte Blog authored by Thomas Stoesser. Read the original post at: https://insights.comforte.com/protecting-your-enterprise-data-from-a-coming-cyber-storm

Original Post URL: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/06/protecting-your-enterprise-data-from-a-coming-cyber-storm/

Category & Tags: Data Security,Security Bloggers Network,data protection – Data Security,Security Bloggers Network,data protection

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