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Russia-linked APT group Midnight Blizzard hacked Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) – Source: securityaffairs.com

Source: securityaffairs.com – Author: Pierluigi Paganini Russia-linked APT group Midnight Blizzard hacked Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) revealed that Russia-linked APT group Midnight...

Breaking News Cyber Security News GitLab hacking hacking news information security news IT Information Security Pierluigi Paganini rss-feed-post-generator-echo Security Security Affairs Security News SecurityAffairs

5379 GitLab servers vulnerable to zero-click account takeover attacks – Source: securityaffairs.com

Source: securityaffairs.com – Author: Pierluigi Paganini 5379 GitLab servers vulnerable to zero-click account takeover attacks Thousands of GitLab servers are vulnerable to zero-click account takeover attacks...

Breaking News Cyber Security News Fortra GoAnywhere MFT hacking hacking news information security news IT Information Security Pierluigi Paganini rss-feed-post-generator-echo Security Affairs Security News SecurityAffairs

Experts released PoC exploit for Fortra GoAnywhere MFT flaw CVE-2024-0204 – Source: securityaffairs.com

Source: securityaffairs.com – Author: Pierluigi Paganini Experts released PoC exploit for Fortra GoAnywhere MFT flaw CVE-2024-0204 Researchers released PoC exploit code for a recently disclosed critical...