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12 illuminating Zero Trust statistics and trends in 2022

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For many organizations, prior to the coronavirus pandemic, the security perimeter was limited to the conventional office building. However, as the remote and hybrid work environments expanded, an increasing number of devices and cloud-based assets began to fall outside of the enterprise network boundary. Organizations are embracing Zero Trust Architecture on account of the value that it brings to enterprise security in the new normal.

Why Zero Trust

Zero Trust represents a paradigm shift in terms of how to conceptualize security, as it’s multi-modal and comprised of a number of already familiar security approaches. However, the framework is stronger than past frameworks, and the tools used therein are adaptive, simplified and offer unprecedented continuous protection.

At the end of the day, Zero Trust enables safe acquisition of business data resources. In turn, this allows organizations, employees and customers to consistently unlock innovation, unleash new potential and drive strong organizational growth.

Zero Trust Statistics 2022

1. Seventy-two percent of organizations are either in the process of adopting Zero Trust or have already adopted it.

2. Ninety percent of organizations state that advancing Zero Trust represents one of their top three IT and security priorities.

3. Zero Trust can reduce the cost of a data breach by roughly $1.76 million.

4. Zero Trust segmentation efficiencies translate into freeing up nearly 40 person-hours per week.

5. Organizations that leverage Zero Trust segmentation are 2X more likely to have avoid critical outages due to attacks over the last 24 months.

6. By 2026, the Zero Trust market is projected to reach $52 billion.

Zero Trust Trends 2022

In 2022, a number of Zero Trust trends emerged. We bring you the most relevant ones, below.

1. Many organizations cite VPN replacement as the primary motivation for evaluating Zero Trust Network Architecture options.

2. Agent-based Zero Trust Network Architecture is increasingly deployed as an element within SASE architecture or an SSE offering for newly reconfigured workforces. Clientless ZTNA has expanded and is often used to support third-party and Bring Your Own Device use-cases.

3. Demand for endpoint security visibility and control is growing. An increasing number of organizations are improving their approach to identity access management; a core component of Zero Trust architecture. Additions such as multi-factor authentication and single sign-on are becoming more commonplace.

4. CISOs are investing significantly to improve identity access management (IAM) effectiveness. IAM is now an essential cornerstone of an organization’s security ecosystem, and risk management leaders want smarter access controls.

5. Zero Trust is becoming the foundation of an increasing number of hybrid cloud integrations, as it effectively addresses the security needs of this data-rich environment.

6. In the US, the federal government has released a memorandum mandating a federal Zero Trust architecture strategy, which forces federal agencies to meet certain cyber security standards, by 2024.


In today’s digital world, the cost of failing to implement the best and the latest cyber security practices can be quite high, as evidenced by the growing number of cyber attacks, and corresponding business fallout.

For organizations that haven’t already done so, it’s crucial to implement Zero Trust architecture, as it can bring further insight into an ever-evolving attack surface, improve user experiences, add value to security, and complement existing security operations.

Would you like to learn more? Check out the Zero Trust Buyer’s Guide. Lastly, to receive more timely cyber security news, top-tier reports and cutting-edge analyses, please sign up for the cybertalk.org newsletter.

The post 12 illuminating Zero Trust statistics and trends in 2022 appeared first on CyberTalk.

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