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ZeroFox Acquires LookingGlass

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On Monday, ZeroFox announced plans to acquire LookingGlass, a threat intelligence and attack surface management company, for roughly $26 million.

ZeroFox provides protection against phishing and other threats that could negatively impact an organization’s brand, threat intelligence, and incident response services. ZeroFox also provides “disruption” services such as domain and social media takedowns and removing personal information from data brokers.

Organizations use LookingGlass’ internet-facing attack surface intelligence data lake to identify and assess threats, as well as determine the appropriate remediation and defense tasks. After the acquisition, LookingGlass technology will be integrated into ZeroFox’s platform for enhanced visibility into external attack surface assets and vulnerabilities, ZeroFox said in a statement.

ZeroFox previously acquired Cyveillance, a LookingGlass business unit, back in October 2020. The comination of Cyveillance and ZeroFox strengthened ZeroFox’s threat intelligence and automated protection capabilities, the company said at the time. Just seven months later, ZeroFox announced plans to buy Vigilante, a Dark Web threat intelligence company Vigilante to add new capabilities to its platform, including breach intelligence and response, botnet exposure monitoring, data on compromised credentials, infected and vulnerable hosts, and indicators of compromise.

The deal, mainly in stock (9.4 million shares) combined with convertible debt and cash, is expected to close within 30 days.

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