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Webinar | How Do I Secure the Use of AI? – Source: www.databreachtoday.com

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Source: www.databreachtoday.com – Author: 1

Anton Chuvakin

Research Vice President, Gartner GTP Security and Risk Management Strategies

As Research VP at Gartner, Chuvakin specializes in projects involving data loss prevention, threat intelligence, vulnerability assessment and vulnerability management, security monitoring of public cloud assets, network forensics and denial of service (DoS/DDoS) protection. Before joining Gartner, his job responsibilities included security product management, research, competitive analysis, PCI-DSS compliance and SIEM development and implementation. He is the author of two books, “Security Warrior” and “PCI Compliance,” and was a contributor to other industry resources, including “Know Your Enemy II” and “Information Security Management Handbook.”

Original Post url: https://www.databreachtoday.com/webinars/webinar-how-do-i-secure-use-ai-w-5412

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