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Threat Hunting Survival Guide by Microsoft Security Experts

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Table of Content

  1. Why prepare ?
  2. Modern Attacks
  3. Know the terrain
  4. Identify the signs of an attack
  5. Prepare for common threat scenarios
  6. Build a shelter
  7. Bolster your hunt with tools

Both the wilderness and the cyber landscape are full of surprises. Unfortunately, some of those surprises can hurt you – whether it be a sudden snowstorm that buries your camp or an unforeseen attack that barrels through your organization’s defenses and steals sensitive data. Responding to threats quickly and effectively is easier if you’ve planned for the unexpected.
Preparing for unexpected threats involves searching for and understanding the signs of pending danger. In the wilderness, that might mean seeing menacing clouds in the distance and recognizing that they could dump inches of rain on you if they move closer. In the cybersecurity world, that involves proactively studying common threat scenarios and planning your response BEFORE they become a
reality and immobilize your organization.

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