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The Cyber Resilience Index by World Economic Forum

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The World Economic Forum is committed to elevating cyber resilience and preparedness across the entire
digital ecosystem. Published in January 2022, our inaugural Global Cybersecurity Outlook report
identified a wide perception gap between business executives and cyber leaders on the cyber-resilience
posture of their organizations. While 92% of surveyed business executives felt that cyber resilience is
integrated into enterprise risk-management strategies, only 55% of cyber leaders agreed.
Understanding the impact of cyber risks on an organization is a complex but critical element of
strengthening cyber resilience. There is a need for frameworks and tools to equip cyber leaders
to understand and communicate prevailing cyber risks, and their impact, to senior leadership.

Developed in collaboration with the diverse community of the Centre for Cybersecurity and supported by Accenture, the Cyber Resilience Index seeks to serve as a reference framework to provide visibility and transparency on cyberresilience practices across industries, peers and the supply chain.
Cyber resilience and its benefits should be clear to Boards and leadership. It is therefore
important to translate the impact of the state of cyber resilience on business operations,
strategy and continuity. We hope the Cyber Resilience Index will help cyber leaders
engage better with senior leadership within their organizations to position cyber resilience
as a strategic imperative.

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