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Tesla and Twitter Should be Banned as Threats to Global Security

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Tesla and Twitter Should be Banned as Threats to Global Security

As you may remember, I’ve explained before why and how Elon Musk constantly stands accused of enabling racism while doing absolutely nothing to help anti-racism (e.g. he’s racist). Tesla is infamous for toxic racism enabled by its CEO, leading to low safety and quality. It’s an engineering nightmare with its products falling far below industry … Continue reading Tesla and Twitter Should be Banned as Threats to Global Security

The post Tesla and Twitter Should be Banned as Threats to Global Security appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Leer másSecurity Boulevard

As you may remember, I’ve explained before why and how Elon Musk constantly stands accused of enabling racism while doing absolutely nothing to help anti-racism (e.g. he’s racist). Tesla is infamous for toxic racism enabled by its CEO, leading to low safety and quality. It’s an engineering nightmare with its products falling far below industry … Continue reading Tesla and Twitter Should be Banned as Threats to Global Security →
The post Tesla and Twitter Should be Banned as Threats to Global Security appeared first on Security Boulevard.

La entrada Tesla and Twitter Should be Banned as Threats to Global Security se publicó primero en CISO2CISO.COM & CYBER SECURITY GROUP.

The post Tesla and Twitter Should be Banned as Threats to Global Security appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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