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Live Webinar | A Master Class on IT Security: Roger Grimes Teaches You Phishing Mitigation – Source: www.govinfosecurity.com

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Source: www.govinfosecurity.com – Author: 1

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Live Webinar | A Master Class on IT Security: Roger Grimes Teaches You Phishing Mitigation

Phishing attacks have come a long way from the spray-and-pray emails of just a few decades ago. Now they’re more targeted, more cunning and more dangerous. And this enormous security gap leaves you open to business email compromise, session hijacking, ransomware and more.

Join Roger Grimes, KnowBe4’s Data-Driven Defense Evangelist where he’ll share a comprehensive strategy for phishing mitigation. With 30+ years experience as a computer security consultant, instructor, and award-winning author, Roger has dedicated his life to making sure you’re prepared to defend against ever-present IT security threats like phishing.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • How to develop a comprehensive defense-in-depth plan for phishing mitigation
  • Ideas for security policies you can implement now
  • Technical controls all organizations should consider
  • Gotchas to watch out for with cybersecurity insurance
  • Why it’s critical to develop your organization’s human firewall

Get the details you need to know now to protect your organization from phishing and social engineering attacks.

Original Post URL: https://www.govinfosecurity.com/webinars/live-webinar-master-class-on-security-roger-grimes-teaches-you-w-4925

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