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Learn FAIR Quantitative Analysis for AI Risk in a Virtual Workshop – Source: securityboulevard.com

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Source: securityboulevard.com – Author: Bernadette Dunn

AI Risk - FAIR Analysis TrainingArtificial intelligence (AI) poses novel and powerful cyber threats both external and internal to your organization – but don’t fall into FUD. With the proven techniques of Factor Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR™), you can quantitatively assess this new set of risk scenarios and prepare your organization for the AI era.

Bernadette Dunn - RiskLens TrainerBernadette Dunn is Head of Education for RiskLens Academy. Learn more about FAIR training with RiskLens

Join senior consultants from RiskLens, the creator of the FAIR model for cyber risk quantification, at one of two virtual workshops for hands-on experience in modeling AI-driven risk, using the RiskLens risk analytics platform.

Scoping AI Risks Workshops (live on Zoom)

In the workshop, you will:

  • Learn how to scope AI risk scenarios for FAIR analysis and find the right data inputs.
  • Create a personalized AI risk assessment, including a cost/benefit analysis of risk mitigation.

No previous FAIR knowledge is required. RiskLens will supply access to the analytics platform for the workshop or clients may use the playground functionality of their platform instance.

See RiskLens quantitative analysis of AI risk in action

We recently held a webinar “Quantifying AI Risk in Financial Terms” that included a live video demo of AI risk analysis on the RiskLens platform (starting at the 24-minute mark).

 Learn more in this FAIR Institute blog post series on analyzing risk from artificial intelligence.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from RiskLens Resources authored by Bernadette Dunn. Read the original post at: https://www.risklens.com/resource-center/blog/fair-quantitative-analysis-ai-risk-workshop

Original Post URL: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/06/learn-fair-quantitative-analysis-for-ai-risk-in-a-virtual-workshop/

Category & Tags: Analytics & Intelligence,Security Bloggers Network,Artificial Intelligence,training – Analytics & Intelligence,Security Bloggers Network,Artificial Intelligence,training

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