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Access Management
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Next-Generation Technologies & Secure Development
Also; The ‘Quantum Divide’; Global AI Regulatory Trends
Anna Delaney (annamadeline) •
September 15, 2023

In the latest weekly update, four editors at Information Security Media Group discuss important cybersecurity and privacy issues, including how to keep assets secure in the quantum era, when common usernames pose a cybersecurity threat, and how to strike the right balance between regulation and innovation in AI.
See Also: Live Webinar | Best Strategies for Transferring Sensitive Financial Data
The panelists – Anna Delaney, director, productions; Tony Morbin, executive news editor, EU; Mathew Schwartz, executive editor of DataBreachToday & Europe; and Tom Field, senior vice president, editorial – discuss:
- Highlights from a conversation with retired U.S. Air Force Col. Jen Sovada of SandboxAQ at BlackHat 2023 on the “quantum divide” and how to prepare for threats to encryption;
- Whether organizations should attempt to enhance security by using nonstandard usernames or focus on strong credentials, such as cryptographic keys;
- The challenges and opportunities in the realm of AI regulation over the next few years.
The ISMG Editors’ Panel runs weekly. Don’t miss our previous installments, including the Sept. 1 identity security special edition and the Sept. 8 edition on reasons to cheer about the cybersecurity market.
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