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Hack My Career: Meet Naz Bozdemir – Source:www.hackerone.com

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Source: www.hackerone.com – Author: Marina Briones.

Hack My Career is a special edition where we share HackerOne employees’ career journeys and how they arrived at their current roles.

We talked to Naz Bozdemir, Product Marketing Lead, about her unique path and asked her to share insights into her career.

From International Relations to Cybersecurity

Naz’s adventure started with a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Arts in International Relations. She was fascinated by security, conflict, and peace studies, which eventually led her to cybersecurity. The turning point in her career came from her involvement in the Erasmus Exchange Program in the Netherlands in 2011. While researching the European Union’s (EU) cybersecurity policy, she found her calling. This spark turned into a fire, and she defended her first Master’s thesis on Cyberterrorism in 2016.

“I was surrounded by engineers and developers at Middle Eastern Technical University’s (METU) Technopark. This environment motivated me to pursue a technical master’s program in Cybersecurity at METU, despite my non-technical background. It proved that a non-traditional background could lead to a tech career if one is well-versed and passionate.”

Leveraging Non-Tech Skills in a Tech Career

Naz’s diverse background has been a superpower in her tech career. Her research, project management, and data analysis skills have been crucial in tackling complex issues like competitive analysis and market research. Utilizing her outside interests and hobbies also influences her ability to translate techy jargon into easy-to-understand content.

“Good examples of these are my love for anime and gaming. By blending these non-tech interests with my professional expertise, I can think outside the box and develop narrative-driven ways to tell compelling stories. This helps me find unique and creative methods to break down complex topics into simpler concepts that can reach broader audiences.”

Advice for Aspiring Tech Pros from Non-Tech Backgrounds

Thinking about switching to tech? Naz believes you don’t need a traditional tech background to thrive. Leverage your existing skills to find your niche—in cybersecurity, product marketing, or project management. Continuous learning is crucial, so seek mentors, join online communities, and attend industry meetups. Stay curious, embrace challenges, and view obstacles as opportunities to grow.

“Each path is unique, so find what works for you. Ask questions, seek answers, learn from obstacles, and most importantly, internalize knowledge.”

Staying Updated in the Tech Field

Naz stays on top of security and AI trends with podcasts like “Darknet Diaries” and “Unsupervised Learning,” YouTube channels like “Offensive Security” and “DEF CON Conference,” and forums like BlackHat and Cybersecurity Reddit. She also recommends checking out  “danielmiessler.com” and subscribing to the “TLDRSec” newsletter for the latest technology information.

“The tech field is constantly evolving, and continuous learning will help you stay relevant and grow in your career. Whether through digital learning programs, YouTube videos, or networking with industry professionals, make it a habit to seek new knowledge and insights on a frequent basis.”

Naz’s journey is a testament to the power of curiosity and lifelong learning in bridging the gap between non-tech and tech fields. Her story shows countless paths to success in the tech industry. At HackerOne, we’re proud to have team members like Naz, whose unique backgrounds and experiences enrich our community and drive innovation. Explore some of Naz’s blogs below to gain deeper insights into her expertise.

Original Post url: https://www.hackerone.com/culture-and-talent/hack-my-career-meet-naz-bozdemir

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