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Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Trackers – Source: www.schneier.com

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Source: www.schneier.com – Author: Bruce Schneier




April 19, 2024 8:20 PM

@Clive Robinson

RE Bondi Junction incident.

I guess its an internationally known location thus making news in your fair Albion.

Thank you very much for making the effort to express your kindness, care and consideration. Which is of course a natural and organic element of your character requiring no effort 🙂

We were not in contact with harm, thank you.

But Sydney is a safe and tolerant place. And things like this simply don’t happen. So the community is certainly in shock. I am in sorrow for the workers exposed to things no one should ever have to witness.

The legislators are making noise about legislation. Saner authorities are, fortunately, quickly pointing out the harm a draconian knee-jerk response can cause.

As ever, looking toward the positive, potentially much good can spring from this. Horror has a tendency to bring people together in acceptance and forgiveness. It will surely bring more resources and attention to the needs of the marginalised and vulnerable


Loved your stable, astute, level headed observations on this topic, toward the end of the last Squid

Jon (a different Jon)

April 19, 2024 9:25 PM


Could you please let someone know that the ‘moving star’ backdrop is so horrifically distracting that I had to turn off every single image in my web browser just to be able to read more than a couple paragraphs in a row?

This, of course, left me with white text on a white background. ‘Select All’ solved that problem, but not very well.

Please knock that moving background crap off. Thank you very much.



April 20, 2024 2:38 AM

@Jon (a different Jon)

Here’s a nickel kid, go buy yourself a decent browser …

No falling stars here. Mind you I have to use xcalib -i -a

just a personal thing about white text on black.


April 20, 2024 2:58 AM


Thank you. I hope you are well, and thank you for the kind comment.

Admittedly I have unfortunately had some bad encounters in the past, so I have had the time to think through those situations. I also helped people who suffered bad situations or with impairments to find stable accommodation and support. That was a bit of an eye opener.

When the state-funded mental hospitals were shut, not much was put in their place. In some situations I had to organise housing and get all the furniture from charities for mental patients. The public trust paid for a few appliances after obtaining at least three quotes for each appliance. That cost is then deducted from the patient’s long-term pension.

I could purchase a car for the cost of a private psychologist. Referral times are a minimum of six months, and quite possibly twelve to eighteen, if they have an opening for a client. Dealing with all the steps just to get a referral is quite a maddening experience.

It’s clear that without more housing, no amount of workers could possibly keep up. Trying to navigate the system, even if experienced, is very time consuming and frustrating.

It’s a clunky and disorganised system, with frequent funding cuts and rotation of support workers. Much more public housing is required, as support workers are being snowed under.

I do remember government reviews and reports recommending an urgent need for public housing a few decades back, but all the major parties failed to adopt any sensible solutions.

As a result, mental health is now the number one reason that people visit a GP in NSW.

Two Ivanti zero-days exploited to target Mitre’s VPNs


“skirted past our multi-factor authentication using session hijacking”

They employed a combination of sophisticated backdoors and webshells to maintain persistence and harvest credentials.


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Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis.

Original Post URL: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2024/04/friday-squid-blogging-squid-trackers.html

Category & Tags: Uncategorized,privacy,squid,tracking – Uncategorized,privacy,squid,tracking

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