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Data Classification Policy – Source: www.techrepublic.com

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Source: www.techrepublic.com – Author:

In many ways, data has become the primary currency of modern organizations. It doesn’t matter whether you are a large business enterprise, SMB, government or nonprofit, the collection, management, protection and analysis of data is a determining factor in your overall success.

This policy from TechRepublic Premium establishes an enterprise-wide framework for categorizing and classifying all data created, collected and stored during the daily operation of the company.

From the policy:


All unauthorized access to facilities, systems and devices is considered a major breach of security, whether the data involved is classified as restricted or not. Any unauthorized access should be reported, investigated and mitigated in accordance with the policies, procedures and protocols established by the company.

The download comprises an eight-page PDF and Word document.

Previously priced at $99, this is now available to download for $19. Or free with Premium annual subscription: click here to find out more.

Original Post URL: https://www.techrepublic.com/resource-library/whitepapers/data-classification-policy/

Category & Tags: CXO,Data Management,Security,TechRepublic Premium – CXO,Data Management,Security,TechRepublic Premium

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