The Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA) is a strategic report that provides a law enforcement-centric assessment of the latest online threats and the impact of cybercrime within the EU. It aims to inform decision-makers at strategic, policy, and tactical levels in the fight against cybercrime, with the goal of updating the operational focus for EU law enforcement authorities. The report is primarily informed by operational information shared with Europol by EU Member States and third partners, combined with expert insights and open source intelligence.
This ninth edition of the IOCTA is presented in an updated format, with a summary highlighting the main overarching findings related to major typologies of cybercrime, including cyber-attacks, online fraud schemes, and online child sexual exploitation. The report titled “Cyber-attacks: The apex of crime-as-a-service” is the first in a series of spotlight reports that delve into each of these crime areas in-depth as part of the IOCTA 2023. Europol’s response in fighting cyber-attacks is also addressed in the report, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and intelligence-sharing among EU Member States and international partners to combat cyber threats effectively.
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