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Code42 Incydr + Splunk Integration: Streamline Your Insider Risk Management Program and Automate Response Controls – Source: securityboulevard.com

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Source: securityboulevard.com – Author: Brittney Belt

According to Code42’s 2023 Data Exposure Report, having the right technology in place and having technology that can provide the right visibility are the top two issues faced when building an Insider Risk program. When it comes to Insider Risk, you need increased visibility, more context, and faster response.

Code42’s ongoing partnership with Splunk continues to provide more visibility and faster response when it comes to Insider Risk incidents. When an employee puts data at risk, Code42 Incydr sends alerts to Splunk and delivers a prioritized view of top exfiltration destinations, most risky users, and types of files exposed so that analysts can instantly see a company-wide view of where and who is putting valuable data at risk. This integration is available for download as a SIEM and SOAR, meaning all your data can be accessed and visualized from one source of truth.

By utilizing Code42 Incydr and Splunk’s integration, you can get all the information you need to investigate, prioritize, manage, and respond to Insider Risk. Our partnership does this by providing:

Enhanced detection and response capabilities

The Code42 Incydr and Splunk integration provides security teams with a comprehensive view of user activity, enabling them to identify patterns and anomalies that could indicate a potential insider threat. By analyzing data from both platforms, security teams can build a more accurate and complete picture of user behavior, making it easier to detect unusual activity, reduce Insider Risk, and prevent data loss.

Improved incident response

When an insider incident is detected, a quick and effective response is critical. The integration between Splunk and Code42 Incydr gives security teams the ability to investigate incidents in real-time, trace the source of the threat, and take appropriate remediation actions. This helps to minimize the impact of the incident and prevent it from happening again in the future.

Simplified investigations

With the integration, security teams will have access to a single platform for investigating insider threats. This, in turn, simplifies the investigation process, making it easier to identify the root cause of an incident and take an appropriate response. By leveraging the power of both Code42 Incydr and Splunk, security teams can streamline their workflows and reduce investigation times.

Prevention of data theft

Corporate data theft is a growing concern for organizations, with the global average cost of a data breach being $4.35 million, according to a report by IBM. The Code42 Incydr and Splunk integration can help organizations identify and prevent data theft by providing real-time visibility into user activity and enabling security teams to take appropriate actions.

Cost savings

Insider threat incidents can be costly for organizations, with an average cost of $15.4 million per incident, according to a report by Ponemon Institute. By implementing a solution like the Code42 Incydr and Splunk integration, organizations can reduce the risk of insider threats and the associated costs of investigation, remediation, and lost productivity.

The Code42 Incydr and Splunk integration provides organizations with a powerful solution for Insider Risk Management. By combining the strengths of both platforms, security teams can detect, investigate, and respond to insider threats faster and more effectively, which helps protect sensitive data and prevent significant damage to the organization’s reputation, finances, and customer trust. By investing in Insider Risk Management, organizations can avoid costly incidents and maintain a secure and resilient environment.

New to Code42?

Request a demo to see how the Incydr and Splunk integration can help you detect, investigate, and respond to Insider Risk more effectively. 

Already a customer?

Download the Code42 app from Splunkbase today to ensure your organization is fully leveraging the power of the Code42 Incydr and Splunk integration.

The post Code42 Incydr + Splunk Integration: Streamline Your Insider Risk Management Program and Automate Response Controls appeared first on Code42.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Code42 authored by Brittney Belt. Read the original post at: https://www.code42.com/blog/code42-incydr-splunk-integration-streamline-your-insider-risk-management-program-and-automate-response-controls/

Original Post URL: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/05/code42-incydr-splunk-integration-streamline-your-insider-risk-management-program-and-automate-response-controls/

Category & Tags: Security Bloggers Network,Product – Security Bloggers Network,Product

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