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‘Anonymous Sudan’ Sets Its Sights on Telegram in DDoS Attack – Source: www.darkreading.com

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Source: www.darkreading.com – Author: Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

After Telegram — the free, encrypted, cloud-based messaging service — initiated a suspension of hacker group Anonymous Sudan’s primary account, the group has launched distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against the platform.

The group has been active since the start of 2023 but rose to prominence after launching DDoS attacks against Microsoft 365, affecting Microsoft Azure, Outlook, and Teams, among others. In the past, the group has also targeted X (formerly known as Twitter) with DDoS attacks to try to pressure the launch of the Starlink service in Sudan.

Though it’s unclear as to why the group was banned on Telegram, SOCRadar speculated that it could be related to its attack on X or its use of bot accounts. The group is primarily motivated by religious and political causes, but it seems as though its attack on Telegram is simply a retaliatory action or a cry for attention, SOCRadar noted.

“The main channel has been closed. It will remain the main channel until we see an understanding of this. Our main telegram channel ‘Anonymous Sudan’ got banned by Telegram. We will be using this channel as the official main Anonymous Sudan channel for now,” stated the hacker group.

The group is believed to have ties with Russian hacking group “Killnet,” and researchers consider it a real possibility that it does not actually operate out of Sudan.

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Original Post URL: https://www.darkreading.com/attacks-breaches/anonymous-sudan-sets-sights-telegram-ddos-attack

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