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How Protective DNS Empowers MSSPs – Source: securityboulevard.com

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Source: securityboulevard.com – Author: Adam Lopez

How Protective DNS Empowers MSSPs

By Adam Lopez, Director of Solutions Engineering

Strengthening Cybersecurity Defenses

In the dynamic world of Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs), the pursuit of comprehensive cybersecurity solutions takes center stage. Drawing from my own experiences within an MSSP, I’ve had the privilege to witness firsthand how various security measures collaborate to safeguard clients’ digital landscapes. Among these, Protective DNS (Domain Name System) emerges as a standout technology, significantly alleviating the strain on other security controls. 

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In this blog, I’ll share insights from my journey within an MSSP both as an analyst and a solutions engineer and explore how Protective DNS proves to be a pivotal asset.

Within an MSSP, my experience encompasses an array of responsibilities, including threat detection, incident response, security event analysis, and staying attuned to emerging cyber threats. This area demands unwavering vigilance and adaptability, given the constantly evolving tactics of cyber adversaries.

The Importance of Protective DNS

The Domain Name System (DNS) serves as the linchpin of the internet, translating human-readable domain names into computer-understandable IP addresses. However, threat actors have ingeniously manipulated DNS for malicious purposes, ranging from malware propagation to phishing attacks. This is where the significance of Protective DNS comes into play.

Protective DNS embodies a proactive security measure aimed at barring users’ access to malicious domains or websites. Operating at the DNS layer, this technology intercepts requests and cross-references them against an ever-updated repository of known malicious domains (as well as other advanced detection mechanisms). The result is the redirection or outright denial of access to these domains.

While the range of security controls deployed and/or monitored by an MSSP serves as a formidable line of defense, these measures often operate collaboratively.

“This technology doesn’t merely avert threats, it affords SOC teams the bandwidth to concentrate on complex and targeted attacks that could potentially go unnoticed.”

Mitigate Strain on Security Controls

Here’s how Protective DNS plays a pivotal role in mitigating the strain on other security controls:

=> Minimizing the Attack Surface <=

Protective DNS functions as an initial barricade, halting access attempts to established malicious domains. This preemptive action curbs the prospects of more intricate attacks, reinforcing the first line of defense.

=> Thwarting Phishing <=

Phishing attacks frequently hinge on domain impersonation to deceive users into divulging sensitive data. Protective DNS emerges as a shield by detecting and thwarting domains linked to phishing campaigns, preempting access to fraudulent login pages and malicious content.

=> Halting Malware Dissemination <=

Malware thrives on domain connections to connect with command and control or c2 servers. Protective DNS prevents infected devices from engaging with these malicious domains, effectively negating the functionality of malware.

=> Supplementing Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)<=

Intrusion Detection Systems scrutinize network traffic for suspicious activities. By obstructing connections to malicious domains, Protective DNS streamlines the workload of IDS, enabling a focus on more complex threats.

Conserving Bandwidth

Malicious domains often host sizable files or execute operations that consume network bandwidth. By obstructing these domain connections, Protective DNS conserves bandwidth, aiding in the flow of legitimate traffic. Among the continual evolution of cyber threats, the synergy of diverse security controls stands as the cornerstone of a resilient defense.

In the context of an MSSP, Protective DNS assumes a role of paramount importance, substantially alleviating the load on other security mechanisms. By preempting connections to malicious domains, Protective DNS not only diminishes the attack surface but also empowers MSSPs to focus on sophisticated threats that might otherwise remain undetected.

From my vantage point within an MSSP, I’ve come to recognize the instrumental role of Protective DNS in heightening a client’s security posture. This technology doesn’t merely avert threats, it affords SOC teams the bandwidth to concentrate on complex and targeted attacks that could potentially go unnoticed.

In a landscape where cyber threats exhibit unwavering persistence, the adoption of Protective DNS emerges as a critical stride in reinforcing digital safeguards and establishing a more secure online environment for all stakeholders involved.

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*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from HYAS Blog authored by Adam Lopez. Read the original post at: https://www.hyas.com/blog/how-protective-dns-empowers-mssps

Original Post URL: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/08/how-protective-dns-empowers-mssps/

Category & Tags: Security Bloggers Network,Blog – Security Bloggers Network,Blog

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