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Sweet Security Debuts Runtime Management for Cloud – Source: www.darkreading.com

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Source: www.darkreading.com – Author: Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading

Israeli cloud security startup Sweet Security has introduced its first product, Cloud Runtime Security Suite.

Founded by Dror Kashti, former CISO of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Eyal Fisher, former head of the cyber department at Unit 8200, and Orel Ben-Ishay, former head of cybersecurity research center at Unit 81, the company’s core offering is a cloud-native runtime security suite that enables security teams to stop cloud workload attacks.

Kashti said that even though securing development environments is essential, current cloud runtime security solutions are insufficient for preparing a company for a breach, as companies require technological “boots on the ground” to detect them.

He also claimed that existing detection tools either provide very limited functionality or aren’t optimized for the cloud, while defenders need cloud-native runtime protections for understanding and stopping attacks as they unfold.

Sweet’s Cloud Runtime Security Suite enables CISOs and security teams include detection and response, as well as discovery and prevention, all in runtime.

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Original Post URL: https://www.darkreading.com/cloud/sweet-security-debuts-runtime-management-for-cloud

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