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Frontline 6.5.4 Updates – Source: securityboulevard.com

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Source: securityboulevard.com – Author: Digital Defense by HelpSystems

Every release helps update and pave the way for additional features and improvements.  Based off of user feedback, here are the recent updates for Frontline VM.

Linux Agent: Scan Linux assets that are not always connected to the network during normal network-based scan.  Install and configure a schedule for Agents to check-in after the initial baseline scan is completed.  Agents will report at designated intervals to indicate changes to an asset and insert results at the scheduled interval. If there are no changes, the Agent will not report in for inclusion.

Initial release of Linux Agent supports the following distros:

  • Amazon Linux (2) – x86_64Ubuntu Server (20, 22) – x86_64
  • Debian (11) – x86_64
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (7, 8, and 9) – x86_64
  • Oracle Enterprise Linux (7, 8, and 9) – x86_64

SUSE coming soon.  Agent scanning does not include ATS or CIS.

Security Seal: Add a badge to your website to show your current site security status. Set up recurring web application scans on your target and configure Security Seal to display pass or fail status of target with custom images based on compliance with security criteria. This seal shows when the last scan was run, who ran the last scan, the results found, and the current status of that website’s security.

Scan Groups: Users can now create Scan Groups to schedule assessments against VM and WAS targets at the same time. Automated reporting from scan groups is supported to generate the following reports: executive, detailed, vulnerability executive summary, asset CSV, and vulnerability CSV. Scan Groups is supported for PCI and non-PCI scanning.

Language Localization: Frontline now supports account-wide system emails and report generation in multiple languages.  This setting will enable reports and system generated emails to be created in English, Japanese, Spanish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese. Chinese and Korean will be supported in a future release.

Original Post URL: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/05/frontline-6-5-4-updates/

Category & Tags: Security Bloggers Network,Blog,Frontline Updates,Release Notes – Security Bloggers Network,Blog,Frontline Updates,Release Notes

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