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Weekly Update 309

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Right off the back of a visit to our wedding venue (4 weeks and counting!) and a few hours before heading to the snow (yes, Australia has snow), I managed to slip in a weekly update earlier today. I’ve gotta say, the section on Shitexpress is my favourite because there’s just so much to give with this one; a service that literally ships shit with a public promise of multiple kinds of animal shit whilst data that proves only horse shit was ever shipped, a promise of 100% anonymity whilst the data set clearly shows both shit-senders and shit-receivers and possibly the most eye-opening of all, the messages accompanying the shit. So, uh, yeah, enjoy! ?


The acoustic panelling in my office is starting to come together, but it needs more work (I’ll always notice those little misaligned lines… and you probably will too now that I’ve mentioned it!)Kickstarter’s password reset email left a lot of people confused (turns out they were just rolling people on Facebook auth to native Kickstarter accounts, but by their own admission the messaging was really confusing)Turns out the source of the templated emails I was getting about removing data from HIBP was Rightly (their intentions are good, but IMHO their execution is poor)Shitexpress – where do I even being with this one?! (just read my Twitter thread on it, it’s all kinds of crazy this one)Sponsored by: Kolide can help you nail third-party audits and internal compliance goals with endpoint security for your entire fleet. Learn more here.Leer másTroy Hunt

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