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The Data Security Checklist for Business

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How to know if your sensitive data is safe in the cloud

Increasingly, users are turning to consumergrade file-sharing services like Dropbox to share and store sensitive corporate data. Users rely on these services to do their jobs, yet companies can’t afford the risk that comes with these solutions.

With the cost of data breaches running into the millions, it’s essential to know: Are these cloud services safe for handling your organization’s sensitive data? Data privacy regulations are increasingly important to understand and navigate. Does your cloud service provider (CSP) meet your specific data privacy requirements?

The European Union (EU) has a long history of laws relating to data privacy, both at individual country levels and at an overarching EU level. With the recent ruling by the European Union Court of Justice striking down the EU-US Safe Harbor Act, the importance of data privacy and control over it, as well as the local country regulations that your data is subject to, should be front and center in every IT manager’s mind. Is your CSP up to date on your specific regulatory requirements? Do they meet them?

These are the questions this paper is designed to help you answer. The checklists on the following pages will guide you through the issues involved, assess your own risk and exposure, and help ensure that you maintain the needed levels of security, compliance, and governance.

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