Organizations have been chasing the ideal of DecSecOps, which is commonly seen as an integrated team of development, operational, and security practitioners that can securely deliver innovation within a defined scope to market. While today’s complex, dynamic cloud native projects demand this level
of collaboration, most modern organizations still struggle to find a successful formula for DevSecOps.
The problem is that DevSecOps is not just a technology shift, but a cultural change as well. Tenable has helped organizations successfully implement DevSecOps by establishing seven habits that transform the way your teams collaborate and leverage their strengths.
Sadly, it’s not as simple as seven small “changes” that are the magic bullet for success. In forming “habits,” companies need to rethink, both organizationally and technically, how they securely build, deploy, and operate applications to be successful. The cloud has completely changed the dynamic of traditional IT
with self-service access to cloud infrastructure.
This white paper describes these seven habits that address the technical, cultural, and organizational changes necessary to effectively manage security, compliance, and operational risks while accelerating the delivery of innovation to market.
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