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3 Ways to Streamline Auth, Access & Security for Oracle EBS – Source: securityboulevard.com

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Source: securityboulevard.com – Author: Saimon Dutta

Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) is a popular ERP tool for business and financial operations that uses a combination of usernames and passwords to authenticate users. This form of authentication has known weaknesses that attackers can exploit since, by default, Oracle EBS does not provide any added security measures like multifactor authentication (MFA). Authentication gets more complex when it comes to the management of different digital identities including employees, stakeholders, clients, etc. In this blog, we will discuss three ways to streamline authentication, manage identity and enable granular access control in Oracle EBS.

Enhancing User Productivity With Streamlined Authentication

A streamlined single sign-on (SSO) process saves time, increases productivity and removes password management hassles while ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive information, systems or applications. By implementing SSO in Oracle EBS, users are provided with centralized authentication, eliminating the need to enter their login credentials each time they switch between different applications or systems. To implement SSO, you need an identity provider (IDP) which will create a trusted relationship with the service provider (SP) or app (in this case, Oracle EBS). The Oracle EBS SSO increases productivity among your employees who use Oracle EBS in combination with other apps.

SSO Without OAM/OID License

Usually, to enable SSO in Oracle EBS, businesses need to purchase the complete suite of Oracle Access Manager (OAM) and Oracle Internet Directory (OID) licenses. But if you have budget constraints, there is another way. The miniOrange Oracle EBS SSO solution can implement SSO into Oracle EBS without requiring OAM and OID. It also supports popular IDPs like miniOrange, Okta, Ping Identity, Azure AD, ADFS, Onelogin and more.

Windows Auto Login

Windows Auto Login for Oracle EBS enables your workforce to use their existing Windows credentials to sign into Oracle EBS and other applications. The miniOrange Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) module for Windows Auto Login allows you to integrate SSO into Oracle EBS from all your Windows domain-joined systems. This can be integrated via on-premises or cloud hybrid deployment options. This solution supports required IT security audits such as SOC and HIPAA while enabling SSO authentication for Oracle applications like Oracle EBS 11i, R12, and 12.2.

Improving Oracle EBS Security With Adaptive MFA

Multifactor authentication methods add an extra layer of security to Oracle EBS, which reduces the threat of unauthorized access in the event of credential theft and other security threats. Adaptive MFA is an advanced form of MFA which provides an evolved security posture to tackle high-risk scenarios. When it comes to Oracle EBS, some high-risk scenarios include remote access, privileged access, high-value transactions and third-party access.

miniOrange provides 15+ MFA methods such as TOTP (Microsoft Authenticator/Google Authenticator), hardware/software tokens, OTP over SMS and email. The risk-based MFA feature uses a combination of IP address, device ID, location and access time to detect and block fraud in real-time.

  1. IP address: Admins can set restrictions on access based on IP addresses.
  2. Device ID: Each device has a unique ID. Restrict access from unknown devices.
  3. Location: Admins can set locations from which users can access the resources.
  4. Time: Particular time limits can be set by admins to restrict user access outside working hours.

Increase Efficiency With Role-Based Access Management

Role-based or granular access control enables organizations’ admins to set up user accounts, enabling and granting access to resources within the EBS system. Deprovisioning enables admins to easily revoke access, remove user accounts and disable roles and permissions. All application users only get access to what their role permits them to have.

Further, miniOrange helps you with a bi-directional provisioning process that can be synced in real-time, whether creating accounts in Oracle EBS and importing them into miniOrange or creating accounts in miniOrange and pushing them to Oracle EBS. This ensures that all data is properly synced and up-to-date.

Automated user provisioning is a key feature of the miniOrange Oracle EBS provisioning process, streamlining user management operations and ensuring that changes are made in real-time. Scheduled provisioning further enhances the efficiency of the process, enabling administrators to schedule provisioning tasks at specific times to reduce the impact on system performance.


Securing your Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) with a streamlined authentication process, efficient identity management and effective granular access control can secure your data and sensitive information, increase productivity among your employees and reduce the threats from modern cyberattackers.

Original Post URL: https://securityboulevard.com/2023/05/3-ways-to-streamline-auth-access-security-for-oracle-ebs/

Category & Tags: Cybersecurity,Data Security,Identity & Access,Security Boulevard (Original),Authentication,identity and access,Oracle,sso – Cybersecurity,Data Security,Identity & Access,Security Boulevard (Original),Authentication,identity and access,Oracle,sso

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