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Weekly Update 325

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For the first time in I don’t know how long, I couldn’t do this live. Turns out both cell and wifi in Lapland are, with the benefit of hindsight, exactly what you’d expect from a remote location in the Arctic circle. The rest of the place was pretty amazing though, and a good deal of this week’s content has gone to that. Plus, there’s the whole “Australia becoming the world’s most cyber-secure country” goal which deserves discussion. Oh – and the tweet with that pic I discuss – I’ll just leave that one here ?

Sometimes, life feels like a fairytale. This is now my favourite photo ever ❤️ pic.twitter.com/lspKwVVSly

— Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) December 9, 2022


Will Australia become the world’s most cyber-secure country by 2030? (Is it feasible? Measurable? Does it even matter?)Abandonia was breached again (7 years on, and still salted MD5 password hashes ?‍♂️)I mentioned my Hack Your Career talk as it relates to dealing with snarky comments online (deep linked to the point where I cover this exact topic)Sponsored by: Varonis. Reduce your SaaS blast radius with data-centric security for AWS, G Drive, Box, Salesforce, Slack and more.Read MoreTroy Hunt

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