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Tsunami watch – Source: go.theregister.com

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Source: go.theregister.com – Author: Team Register

Webinar It’s sometimes easy to be lulled into a sense of false security and imagine that your organization or business will not become a target of highly professional cybercriminals, hacktivists and even nation-state actors. But the threat posed by DDoS attacks is very much on the rise.

Some industry watchers reckon that the volume of these attacks grew by up to 300 percent in 2023, and the risk to businesses is huge.

DDoS attacks utilize multiple compromised computer systems as sources of attack traffic. The result is loss of service, revenue, reputation, and control of network defences for the organizations they’re directed against. But knowledge is a powerful thing, and being able to spot the DDoS threat before it has the chance to wreak havoc is the always the best step to avoiding falling victim.

Here more from the Register’s Tim Phillips on 6 September 5pm BST/12pm EDT/9am PDT in discussion with Cloudflare’s Derek Chamorro. They’ll provide guidance on the scale of DDoS attacks in 2023, and identify the perpetrators. Tim and Derek will tell you what could happen if your networks are not strongly defended from attack, and offer best practice advice on how to mitigate the consequences of a DDoS attack. You’ll even learn the best way to deal with threats to your business and how you can build effective defences against DDoS.

Sign up to join our DDoS mitigation at scale webinar here and we’ll send you a reminder when it’s time to watch.

Sponsored by Cloudflare.

Original Post URL: https://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.com/2023/09/04/tsunami_watch/

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