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The Cost of Inaction – A CISOs guide for getting boards of directors to invest in cybersecurity by Microsoft Security

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As a CISO, nobody understands the security risks that your organisation faces better than you. You’ve got the technical expertise to deeply appreciate current threats and how they stack up against your organisation’s vulnerabilities. And you’re keenly aware that the average cost of a breach keeps climbing, hitting an all-time high of USD 4.35 million in 2022.

But you also know how these risks fit in with broader business crosswinds. You’ve learned how to work in the face of economic uncertainty, the pressure to do more with less and a talent shortage that’s pushed you to upskill and reskill.

Amidst all these challenges, cybersecurity has taken on a new urgency – even among corporate boards. As a result, CISOs have found wider access and influence in organisations (with some even taking on CIO roles), and many are under pressure to pitch their boards directly for needed cybersecurity investments. So how do you make a strong case?

Your board has the power to set priorities that can put your organisation on sound security footing. But just under 2% of board members on average have any relevant, recent experience in cybersecurity. And many board members don’t feel confident about IT and security oversight, or they have ambivalent views on the board’s role regarding security.

The good news is that there’s huge potential for getting buy-in on security investments from most boards. The top priorities of a typical board – around risk, reputation and financial stability – align strongly and organically with successful security outcomes.

If you can connect the dots between those priorities and outcomes, you’re well on your way to making a strong, ROI-focused pitch. This guide will help you develop the right context and approach, by showing you how to:

• Think like a board member
• Speak like a board member
• Use real-life examples to make risks relatable and relevant

Download & read the complete report below 👇👇👇

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