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RSAC Fireside Chat: Keeping persistent email threats at bay requires deeper, cloud-layer vigilance – Source: www.lastwatchdog.com

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Source: www.lastwatchdog.com – Author: bacohido

By Byron V. Acohido

Email remains by far the no.1 business communications tool. Meanwhile, weaponized email continues to pose a clear and present threat to all businesses.

Related: The need for timely training

At RSA Conference 2023, I learned all about a new category of email security — referred to as integrated cloud email security (ICES) – that is helping companies more effectively keep email threats in check.

I met with Eyal Benishti, CEO of IRONSCALES, a supplier of ICES tools and cybersecurity training services. For a full drill down on our conversation, please give the accompanying podcast a close listen.

Phishing is still the main way bad actors slip into networks; and Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks can instantly translate into crippling losses.

Guest expert: Eyal Benishti, CEO, Ironscales

Successful attacks slip past legacy security email gateways (SEGs) and even past the newer ‘cloud-native security’ controls that Microsoft and Google have embedded Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. These filters look for known bad attachments and links.

ICES solutions vet the messages that slip through. IRONSCALES, for instance, applies natural language processing technology to identify patterns and flush out anything suspicious. And its complementary security awareness training modules encourage employees to participate in isolating anything suspicious that leaks into their inboxes.

“The security gateways and cloud-native security controls look at content but that’s not enough,” Benishti observes. “You also need to look at context; both perspectives are needed.”

It’s clear that layers of protection, along with better-trained employees, have become table stakes. I’ll keep watch and keep reporting.


Pulitzer Prize-winning business journalist Byron V. Acohido is dedicated to fostering public awareness about how to make the Internet as private and secure as it ought to be.

(LW provides consulting services to the vendors we cover.)

May 11th, 2023 | For technologists | New Tech | Podcasts | RSA Podcasts | Steps forward | Top Stories

Original Post URL: https://www.lastwatchdog.com/rsac-fireside-chat-keeping-persistent-email-threats-at-bay-requires-deeper-cloud-layer-vigilance/

Category & Tags: For technologists,New Tech,Podcasts,RSA Podcasts,Steps forward,Top Stories – For technologists,New Tech,Podcasts,RSA Podcasts,Steps forward,Top Stories

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