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Retail Threat Landscape Report Q1-Q3 – November 2024 Summary by Cyberint a Check Point Company

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The United States, is a prime target for cyber attacks. The U.S. retail sector, which holds nearly one-third of the global market share, has seen a significant rise in ransomware incidents, accounting for 45% of global retail ransomware cases in the past three
quarters—a 9% increase from 2023.
New groups like Ransomhub and Hunters have emerged and supply chain threats have increased. Social engineering tactics are on the rise, with attackers impersonating IT personnel.
Threat actors continually seek ways to bypass security measures, using trusted platforms like GitHub to distribute malware. Stolen credentials remain a common compromise vector, often sold on darknet forums and used as a first stage in attacks.
AI integration brings both benefits and risks, such as ‘shadow AI,’ where employees share sensitive information with AI models. AI also aids in generating malicious code, impersonation and phishing emails.
Phishing remains a prevalent tactic, with campaigns using malicious QR codes and HR impersonation. State actors, especially those under sanctions, exploit remote work to steal information and fund regimes.
Cyber-activism has risen due to global tensions, targeting government entities and companies with controversial ties.
The rise in ransomware, new threat actors, and sophisticated tactics highlight the need for comprehensive risk assessments and robust security protocols.


As one of the world’s largest and most advanced economies, the United States remains a prime target for cyber adversaries and state actors. The retail industry faces a constantly evolving array of threats among its major sectors. The rise of e-commerce and the increasing volume of digitally collected and stored customer data have made retailers particularly vulnerable to cyber attacks.
This report examines the current threat landscape in the retail sector, identifying the most pressing threats, such as data breaches, ransomware, and supply chain attacks. We will also aim to provide strategies to mitigate these risks.

Download and read the complete report here:

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