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Pwn2Own Automotive 2024 Day 2 – Tesla hacked again – Source: securityaffairs.com

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Source: securityaffairs.com – Author: Pierluigi Paganini

Pwn2Own Automotive 2024 Day 2 – Tesla hacked again

Researchers hacked the Tesla infotainment system and found 24 zero-days on day 2 of Pwn2Own Automotive 2024 hacking competition.

White hat hackers from the Synacktiv Team (@Synacktiv) compromised the Tesla infotainment system on the second day of the Pwn2Own Automotive 2024 hacking competition. The bug hunters chained two vulnerabilities to hack the Tesla infotainment system, they earned $100,000 and 10 Master of Pwn Points.

The Synacktiv Team also hacked the Automotive Grade Linux operating system by chaining three vulnerabilities. The team earned $35,000 for this hack.

The NCC Group EDG team successfully hacked Alpine Halo9 iLX-F509 by chaining two vulnerabilities. The team played the popular video game DOOM on the device.

During the second day, participants earned a total of $382,500 for demonstrating 24 zero-days.

That’s a wrap for Day 2 of #Pwn2Own Automotive. We’ve already awarded over $1,000,000 in prizes this week (¥150 million!) Tune back in tomorrow here or at the ZDI blog for the final day of the contest! Here are the current standings leading into the final day: pic.twitter.com/BZ5jopem9X

— Zero Day Initiative (@thezdi) January 25, 2024

The bug hunters earned $1,101,500 since the start of the competition, demonstrating a total of 48 zero-days.

Additional details about the hacking attempts and their results for the Pwn2Own Day Two are available here:


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Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, Pwn2Own)

Original Post URL: https://securityaffairs.com/158141/hacking/pwn2own-automotive-2024-day-two.html

Category & Tags: Breaking News,Hacking,hacking news,information security news,IT Information Security,Pierluigi Paganini,Pwn2Own Automotive 2024,Security Affairs,Security News,Tesla – Breaking News,Hacking,hacking news,information security news,IT Information Security,Pierluigi Paganini,Pwn2Own Automotive 2024,Security Affairs,Security News,Tesla

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