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NIST SP 800 Incident Response Recommendations and Considerations for Cybersecurity Risk Management

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Incident response is a critical part of cybersecurity risk management and should be integrated across organizational operations. The six CSF 2.0 Functions play vital roles in incident response:

  • Govern, Identify, and Protect help organizations prevent some incidents, prepare to handle incidents that do occur, reduce the impact of those incidents, and improve incident response and cybersecurity risk management practices based on lessons learned from those incidents.
  • Detect, Respond, and Recover help organizations discover, manage, prioritize, contain, eradicate, and recover from cybersecurity incidents, as well as perform incident reporting, notification, and other incident-related communications.

Many individuals, teams, and third parties hold a wide variety of roles and responsibilities across all of the Functions that support an organization’s incident response. Organizations have no direct control over the tactics and techniques used by their adversaries, nor are they certain about the timing of a future incident other than knowing that another incident is inevitable. However, organizations can use an incident response life cycle framework or model that best suits them to develop strong cybersecurity risk management practices that reduce their risks to acceptable levels.
This publication adopts the CSF 2.0 Functions, Categories, and Subcategories as its new high-level incident response model. This provides a common taxonomy that is already widely used for communicating about incident response and cybersecurity risk management and governance. This also enables organizations to access a range of online resources mapped to each Function, Category, and Subcategory through the NIST Cybersecurity and Privacy Reference Tool (CPRT). These resources include mappings to other incident response and cybersecurity risk management standards and guidance, as well as sources of implementation guidance that organizations can choose to utilize as needed.

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