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Next Generation Cybersecurity for Small to Midsize Businesses

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How Cynet is giving lean security teams the tools they need to protect their business as budget crunches and reduced headcounts put many companies at risk by

By Eyal Gruner, Co-Founder and CEO of Cynet

Economic uncertainties are putting many small to midsize businesses between a rock and a hard place. Budgets are being slashed and layoff announcements are becoming the norm. Meanwhile, cybersecurity hackers are getting more sophisticated with security incidents skyrocketing. As cybersecurity attacks continue to grow exponentially, it is becoming increasingly more difficult for security teams of all sizes to keep up with the constant surge of security threats.

The significant uptick in alerts is especially difficult for small security teams and one-person cybersecurity departments tasked with protecting their entire organization’s infrastructure. The acceleration of alerts – in addition to the “always-on” mindset many security professionals must adhere to – is costing businesses in more ways than one.

The true cost of security 

A recent survey sponsored by Cynet found that 98% of CISOs suffer from work-related stress issues, with 65% of these security leaders admitting their stress levels are impacting their ability to do their job. And it’s not just CISOs who are suffering. The survey found that 74% of CISOs report members of their staff have quit during the past year because of work-related stress.

High employee churn rates cost companies both financially and culturally. Rumors of poor work cultures spread rapidly within the security industry – a company that has difficulty keeping employees quickly becomes a company that cannot find adequate talent to fulfill already hard-to-find security roles. Add on the expense of having to recruit, onboard and train new security team members every three to six months and the cost of cybersecurity rises at an alarming rate.

Small to midsize businesses need cybersecurity platforms that empower their security leaders. They need all-in-one solutions that provide protection, detection and response capabilities to stop threats dead in their tracts and protect their entire digital ecosystem. Most importantly, they need cost-effective security tools that can be implemented and managed by lean security teams that need complete visibility to secure their networks, fend off and isolate security threats, and continually stay one step ahead of bad actors.

The future of cybersecurity: Autonomous, effortless, consolidated solutions

AI is driving exponential technological gains for all industries – including cybercrime networks. Malware, ransomware and phishing attacks are becoming more sophisticated by the minute. Not only are hackers getting smarter, they are also using tools that are more complex than ever before. The only way to beat this new wave of cybersecurity criminals is to implement next generation cybersecurity solutions that are smarter than the tools being leveraged by hackers.

Because security teams for small to midsize businesses are often teams of five people or less, they rely heavily on their security tech stack. Lean security teams need solutions that lend a much-needed level of autonomy and effortlessness to a business’ overall security strategy.

A key component of an effective security platform is its ability to automate tedious, redundant tasks. The less time a security professional spends on redundant work, the more time they have to devote to strategy – building out and managing effective security programs that are proactive in nature and, ultimately, more successful.

In addition to autonomous, effortless solutions, security teams need consolidated security tools that are as easy to implement as they are to manage. This idea of a consolidated tech stack is foundational to Cynet’s XDR platform, giving security professionals a simple and easy suite of solutions that can be onboarded in a matter of hours, providing comprehensive cybersecurity coverage with minimal operational overhead.

The future of cybersecurity can feel impossibly scary, leaving CISOs and security professionals feeling stressed out, overwhelmed and fearful of what’s to come. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Cynet’s next generation solution offers all the essential cybersecurity capabilities combined with a managed detection and response service that delivers expert-level customer support. Cynet is channel leader because of its ability to provide an autonomous XDR security platform that meets the unique needs of the partner ecosystem.

About the Author

Next Generation Cybersecurity for Small to Midsize BusinessesEyal Gruner is the Co-Founder and CEO of Cynet. He is also Co-Founder and former CEO of BugSec, Israel’s leading cyber consultancy, and Versafe, acquired by F5 Networks. Gruner began his career at age 15 by hacking into his bank’s atm to show the weakness of their security and has been recognized in Google’s security Hall of Fame.

Eyal can be reached online at https://www.linkedin.com/in/eyal-gruner/ and at our company website www.Cynet.com.

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