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News Alert: ThriveDX’s Cyber Academy for Enterprise meets talent shortage, promotes inclusion – Source: www.lastwatchdog.com

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Source: www.lastwatchdog.com – Author: bacohido

Miami, Fla. – June 20, 2023 –  ThriveDX, the leader in cybersecurity and digital skills training, today announced the official launch of its new Cyber Academy for Enterprise. This innovative solution, part of the company’s Human Factor Security suite, empowers organizations to reskill and upskill employees for cybersecurity positions while also attracting diverse external candidates, simultaneously addressing the growing talent and diversity gaps in the cyber industry.

Cyber Academy for Enterprise is more than a cybersecurity training program – it’s a complete solution that enables businesses and government agencies to cultivate their internal talents while simultaneously attracting diverse external candidates for cybersecurity positions.

Designed for an end-to-end cybersecurity learning journey, the program offers pre-training screening, intensive training, and post-training matching to facilitate an efficient talent acquisition and development process.

“The cybersecurity talent shortage and lack of diversity, is one of the biggest challenges of human resources and cybersecurity leaders. Effective reskilling of employees demands considerable investment, and recruiting diverse talent requires a comprehensive understanding of organizational needs to properly align candidates with open positions,” said Roy Zur, CEO of ThriveDX Enterprise.

“Our Cyber Academy for Enterprise creates unprecedented educational opportunities for all, irrespective of their background or skill level,” Zur continued. “It not only aids in talent acquisition from outside the company but also facilitates the reskilling and upskilling of current employees, fostering an environment of continual learning and development.”


The global shortage of cybersecurity talent and the skills gap continue to widen, with more than 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs worldwide. Eighty-percent of organizations attribute one or more recent breaches to a lack of cybersecurity talent and skills within their company.  At the same time, the industry suffers from a lack of diversity. The Cyber Academy for Enterprise targets both these issues, offering a robust platform for building cyber skills and enhancing diversity within the industry.

Holistic training

The academy offers a holistic training experience, with rigorous learning supplemented with access to virtualized cyber labs and challenges. Overall, trainees have an opportunity to access 1000+ hours of immersive learning and hands-on practice, ensuring they are thoroughly prepared for real-world cybersecurity scenarios. Key advantages of the Cyber Academy for Enterprise include:

•Access to over 1000 hours of immersive, hands-on training, adhering to globally recognized cybersecurity education frameworks such as the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

•Real-world simulations on a skills-based learning platform, providing trainees with exposure to current threat landscapes.

•A comprehensive curriculum, offering diverse cybersecurity modules tailored to various career tracks.

•Access to a network of 1000+ professional cybersecurity trainers

•Pre-training screening to identify high-potential talent, offering an objective comparison of candidates and unbiased talent assessment.

•Data-driven post-training matching, enabling optimization of both internal and external recruitment practices.

•Partnership option to run the academy in conjunction with leading universities, providing graduates with a university certificate.

ThriveDX’s Cyber Academy has been implemented and deployed with global universities, enterprise, MSSPs, non-profits, and government agencies to broaden access to cybersecurity training and employment opportunities across all regions.

“We aim to democratize access to cybersecurity education, allowing anyone, regardless of their technical background, to embark on or advance a cybersecurity career. Having already reskilled more than 60,000 learners globally into cybersecurity and related positions, we now provide organizations with the tools to attract, develop, and retain diverse talent, educated in the latest cybersecurity technologies, and capable of mitigating enterprise risk,” Zur added.

For more information and to request a demo please visit thrivedx.com.

About the company:  The ThriveDX team is composed of military-trained cyber experts, industry veterans, and seasoned educators united in the mission to close the worldwide skills and talent gap in cybersecurity, and encourage diversity, equity and inclusion across industries.

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June 20th, 2023 | Best Practices | For consumers | For technologists | Steps forward

Original Post URL: https://www.lastwatchdog.com/news-alert-thrivedxs-cyber-academy-for-enterprise-meets-addresses-talent-shortage-promotes-inclusion/

Category & Tags: Best Practices,For consumers,For technologists,Steps forward – Best Practices,For consumers,For technologists,Steps forward

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