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The number of internet users has increased dramatically during the last few decades. The improvement in internet speed and the drop in the price of using it has contributed to this expansion. With the advent of the internet, billions of individuals are now able to go online. The growth of the internet has given rise to a number of new industries, like social media and online financial services, which have been effective in attracting online customers. In addition, new technologies like the Internet of Things and the Industrial Internet of Things have emerged as a result of the high-speed internet boom.

The whole ecosystem of government services and governance may now be found online, thanks to the high-speed internet. The internet is now widely used in both the military and the healthcare industries. Wearable healthcare devices have been developed as a result of combining the Internet of Things with the healthcare industry and these are useful for monitoring the health of those who use them.

As the internet is a very open and unprotected method of communication, it has attracted numerous miscreants with nefarious purposes. These criminals have made repeated attempts to get information and misuse it. Hence, the number of cyber-attacks and cybercrimes has increased exponentially with the growth of high-speed internet users. Cyber security is a significant issue in this setting that needs in-depth research and analysis.

The advent of technologies like machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain have brought about a paradigm shift in the way security issues are handled. Incorporating these technologies in different aspects of cyber security has increased the robustness of various security mechanisms. Hence, the main aim of the book is to study the impact of these technologies on cyber security. Authentication and access control are ways in which a layer of security can be implemented, and, hence, studying the same is important. The employment and the impact of state-of-the-art technologies like machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain in different fields are also studied and covered.

The book is divided into a number of sections to arrange its contents effectively. The themes discussed vary from the requirements of technologies like machine learning, deep learning and blockchain in many areas to the usefulness of these technologies in cyber security. The book also offers new developments and research concerns relevant to the subject.

Hence, editors have worked to achieve completeness and coverage of the domain’s range. Eleven chapters make up the book, and address themes like comprehending the importance of machine learning and deep learning, as well as how these technologies – along with blockchain – can be critical to many aspects of cyber security.

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