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Guidelines on CyberSecurity Specifications

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ICT Procurement for Public Service Bodies

Ireland’s National Cyber Security Strategy 2019-2024 sets out key objectives to continuously develop and protect the State and its critical national infrastructure, as well as the general public. Among the key objectives are to:

  • Continue to improve the ability of the State to respond and manage cyber security incidents including those with a national security component.
  • Improve the resilience and security of public sector IT systems to better protect data and the services that our people rely upon.
  • Raise awareness of the responsibilities of businesses around securing their networks, devices and information, and to drive research and development in cyber security in Ireland, including by facilitating investment in new technology.

In November 2022, the Department for the Environment, Climate, and Communication (DECC) and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), published Revision1 of the Cyber Security Baseline Standards which set a minimum-security baseline standard and formed a broad framework of measures that are expected to be revised and improved in line with legislative proposals such as the NIS2 Directive (A high common level of cybersecurity in the EU). The publication of the Baseline Standards was followed by the publication of a Cyber Security Baseline Standards Self-Assessment form which is a checklist that Public Service Bodies can use internally to assess their cyber security posture against the Cyber Security Baseline Standards. Security control assessments can be challenging, and this form provides a ready-made solution across the various operating environments and organisational frameworks of the Public Service.

Further to this, and recognising the need of Public Service Bodies (PSBs) for guidance in the context of cyber security specifications when procuring Information and Communications Technology (ICT) goods and services via public procurement processes from a range of suppliers, DECC and the NCSC engaged Grant Thornton Ireland to assist in developing the “Guidelines on Cyber Security Specifications (ICT Procurement for Public Service Bodies)”.

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