Source: – Author: Bruce Schneier
MarkH •
While reading a news story, my attention was caught by these words:
in the summer of 2022, Ukraine hit an oil refinery in the Russia’s Rostov region using a weaponized commercial Mugin-5 Pro drone available on Alibaba for less than $10,000
I assume that the purchase came first, and the weaponization after that … for years, we’ve been discussing the growing capabilities of low-cost technology, and pondering the ramifications.
The conjunction of a wartime attack at fairly long range (perhaps 300+ km) and an e-commerce website is new to me!
O brave new world …
MarkH •
The Mugin-5 Pro appears to be capable of missions greater than 700 km; also, the price is more like $20,000 being nearly equally divided between airframe and powerplant.
The manufacturer sternly advises:
Disclaimer: Any illegal or military utilization of Mugin UAVs is forbidden. Mugin Limited will not take any responsibility for any consequences caused by illegal or military use, nor provide any technical support or promise for any obtaining through irregular channels.
We have been warned!
lurker •
“Governments have a hammer, and it’s easy to treat the internet as a nail,” says Kathik Nachiappan, a South Asia expert based in Singapore.
In Pakistan, the move has particular impact because it shuts down what is seen to be the only place to get “real news” in the country …
ResearcherZero •
John Pilger finally lost his grip on reality
“Theresa May confirmed she has lost all grip on reality.”
If you watch Reality;
Got your crotch on Reality;
If you act on Reality;
Know a fact from Reality;
If you make up Reality;
See a break up on Reality;
If you produce Reality;
Don’t want to reduce Reality;
If you costume Reality;
Know a better rest room than Reality;
If you write on Reality;
Do the lights on Reality;
If your ad’s on Reality;
Follow fads from Reality;
If you grew up on Reality;
Didn’t throw up on Reality;
“Hold on, this is bulls***!”
Clive Robinson •
@ Bruce, ALL,
“Are you being extorted”
Or “do you not own what you buy”
I’ve pointed out in the past that the likes of Amazon have sold equipment at high prices that they then “brick” in one way or another.
Well HP did this during “lock down” where “living on-line” realy ment “surviving via delivery person”.
Which in turn ment “returns” and lables you have to “print out” etc and attach to the items.
Well as quite a few have found HP decided to use it as a golden opportunity to extort money from people,
This is a “business practice” that realy has to be stopped, before it becomes “standard” thus another part of destroying society as we currently know it and turning it back into a fiefdom where you are owned.
But if you want to see how bad it can be, have a look at the history of the Telephone Industry. It stagnated for decades earning hugh profits and was very bad for society in many ways.
That is the world HP board Directors and similar lust for, not just total control over those who work for them by illegal wire taps and unlawful surveillance on them but now the same with their customers.
ResearcherZero •
Australia’s Parliament passed the most expansive bill of all Western countries — one that could force major companies to provide authorities with access to encrypted data.
leaves the choice of encryption method, as well as the storage location, up to the individual private service providers. This results in significantly large pools of sensitive Australian metadata being insufficiently secured and at risk of cyber attack
“metadata absolutely tells you everything about somebody’s life. If you have enough metadata, you don’t really need content”
A long list of data breaches…
ResearcherZero •
“The argument is that limiting encryption can make it easier for police to monitor online communication and identify potential predators. However, this ignores that many law-abiding citizens rely on encryption to protect their privacy. Its restriction would make users’ sensitive information more vulnerable to unauthorised access.”
“You’ve basically done the work for the enemy. …and suddenly they have access to all of this incredibly sensitive information -that otherwise they would never have been able to get.”
Reality used to be a friend of mine
Reality used to be a friend of mine
Reality used to be a friend of mine
Reality used to be a friend of mine
If a text is reality:
Give garden tips on Reality
Give me the sh**s on Reality
..."The supermarket giant has expressed its disappointment over the breach."
better detect reality
better anticipate reality
better deter reality
and respond to reality
Keys Under Doormats: Mandating insecurity by requiring government access to all data and communications
“The complexity of today’s Internet environment, with millions of apps and globally connected services, means that new law enforcement requirements are likely to introduce unanticipated, hard to detect security flaws”
“Beyond these and other technical vulnerabilities, the prospect of globally deployed exceptional access systems raises difficult problems about how such an environment would be governed and how to ensure that such systems would respect human rights and the rule of law.”
If you don’t can it – bash it – ban it – trash it; If you follow it – observe it – swallow it – “lurve” it:
If you love it, you deserve it.
If you love it, you deserve it.
Peter Rontea •
I was trying to get to my mother for Mother’s Day weekend and I think I just experienced “administrative burden” stretched to “passive aggressive benefit denial” from Greyhound. I am not sure if this is a hack but here is the pattern I have found from Greyhound. When they don’t have enough passengers for a trip, they consolidate in an effort to save money on gas by moving you to the next bus, which in this case was 2 hours later, without letting passengers know. When I went to their office to ask for my money back, Greyhound employees gave me a phone number to call; the operator sent me to the website; the website gave me a 404. They all left the office when I took my camera out.
Greyhound Refund
404 error screenshot
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