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ExploringThe DigitalPersonal DataProtectionAct, 2023

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To be noted: #DPDP2023

Consists of 44 provisions and penalties.
Uses “she/her” pronouns instead of “he/his”.
Establishes The Data Protection Board of India for enforcement.

Regulates Data Processing Across Borders

Personal Data Processing Isn’t Applicable When

Navigate through the Definitions

Data Principal
The individual linked to the data;
If a child, involves parents or guardians,
For someone with a disability, their legal guardian.
Data Fiduciary
Someone who, alone or with others, determines how personal data is processed.
Data Processor
Any person processing personal data on behalf of a Data Fiduciary.
Significant Data Fiduciary
Data Fiduciary or class of Data Fiduciari

Navigate through the Definitions

The Board
The Data Protection Board of India established by the Central Government under section 18.
Consent Manager
A registered person with the Board who facilitates Data Principals in managing their consent through an accessible, transparent, and interoperable platform.
Personal Data Breach
Unauthorized processing, accidental disclosure, acquisition, sharing, alteration, destruction, or loss of personal data compromising confidentiality, integrity, or availability.

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