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EU GDPR – EU GDPR Casebook 2023 Compilation of decisions by national data protection agencies from May 2018 to May 2023

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Welcome to ComplyCloud’s EU GDPR Casebook 2023

It is with great pleasure that I present to you the EU GDPR Casebook 2023. In this edition, the ComplyCloud legal team has gathered, categorized, and analyzed a range of decisions from across the European Union, with particular focus on the Data Protection Agencies of the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and Denmark. The time span of these cases ranges from the inception of the GDPR in May 2018 to May 2023.

Specifically, this Casebook highlights:

  • Cases resulting in the 10 largest GDPR fines from each of our three focal countries; the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium.
  • 10 intriguing cases from each of the three focal countries, handpicked due to their potential impact
    and unique features.
  • A collection of interesting cases from Denmark, in Selected compelling cases from various other
    recognition of ComplyCloud’s core expertise.
  • EU countries, which we found to be of particular interest.

Through this comprehensive collection, we aim to paint a picture of the evolving data privacy landscape in the EU, building on the principal decisions that continually expand our understanding of the General Data Protection Regulation. Whether you are a seasoned legal professional or a newcomer to the field of data protection, we believe this Casebook will serve as a valuable resource in navigating the complexities of GDPR compliance.

The GDPR’s five-year journey has been nothing short of transformative. Since its introduction in May 2018, the GDPR has given individuals greater control over their personal data and introduced new standards for businesses. It has shaped the digital transition in the EU, guiding both domestic and international approaches to data regulation.

At ComplyCloud, we have been keen observers of this development, tracking the progression and interpretation of the GDPR throughout the European Union. The ongoing evolution of GDPR, its impact, and the challenges it presents continue to be areas of focus for us. However, in compiling this Casebook, our aim goes beyond mere observation; we strive to promote transparency and provide a lens into the trends of the GDPR and changes in its enforcement. The cases presented here underline the actions taken by national data protection authorities across the EU, with over 2.5 billion EUR in fines imposed for GDPR breaches. This underscores the commitment to safeguarding data protection within the EU.

In keeping with our tradition, we supplement our legal analyses with a graphical presentation of key figures in data protection law. With our statistical overview, you will be presented with EU-wide numbers on the nature of violations, fines, sectoral trends, and more.

On behalf of everyone at ComplyCloud, we thank you for your interest and engagement with our work.
As we continue to navigate the intricacies of GDPR compliance, we are committed to providing you with
the most current, comprehensive, and user-friendly resources.

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