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CISO Guide to Business Email Compromise – Source: www.techrepublic.com

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Source: www.techrepublic.com – Author:

Business email compromise (BEC) is the most significant cybersecurity threat to enterprise organizations, with $2.7 billion lost in 2022 alone. This type of email attack occurs when a cybercriminal uses social engineering to impersonate a trusted contact—typically an executive, co-worker, vendor, or partner—in an effort to steal money or valuable information. Because these emails rarely contain malicious links or attachments, they are difficult to detect by standard email security protocols, leaving organizations wide open to attack.

In this guide, you will learn how to stop BEC attacks with Abnormal Security’s behavioural AI-based security platform.

Original Post URL: https://www.techrepublic.com/resource-library/whitepapers/ciso-guide-to-business-email-compromise/

Category & Tags: Security – Security

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