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Becoming a SOC analyst V1

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What on Earth is a SIEM anyway?

A SIEM is a Monitoring System that collects/aggregates Logs – the abbreviation means:

Security Information and Event Management System It is a critical component in the security infrastructure of any company.

But why should you care about SIEM for your HomeLab at all?

That is a very good question and it has 1 simpleanswer.

In your (current or next) job you will need monitoring for your companies’ infrastructure.

How do you learn that?

By building a SIEM for your HomeLab. Today – How to SIEM @ HomeLab

Step by Step:

  1. Decide if you want to use Docker/Containers or not
  2. choose SIEM software

We will go through the installation process of @wazuh as our SIEM without containers today

@wazuh Next we need a VM to run the SIEM (@wazuh) – Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS is our #1 choice

get it here:

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