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How Does XDR Software Help Security Teams – Source: heimdalsecurity.com

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Source: heimdalsecurity.com – Author: Livia Gyongyoși

XDR software collects and processes data from various security layers, networks, and endpoints in an organization`s IT environment. It is a fast and accurate tool that helps security teams detect and respond faster to cyber threats wherever they might be located: endpoints, networks, or the cloud.

In a more and more complex threat landscape, XDR (Extended Detection and Response) enables security teams to react and contain a cyberattack in a timely manner, with minimum effort.

Working both on-premises and in the cloud, as lots of companies do these days, multiplies the challenges security teams have to face. Maintaining a safe cloud environment is a complex challenge by itself, due to the novelty of the domain. Add to that the daily pressure resulted from talent shortage and alert fatigue. So, a real help for security teams is not one more cybersecurity tool to put on the shelf and never use. A real help is one tool to rule them all. This is exactly what quality XDR software does. It brings all must have tools together and makes them collaborate perfectly under the same umbrella.

Extended Detection and Response benefits go way beyond detecting and responding to threats on the company`s endpoints. XDR has the amazing capacity of gathering and correlating data from all over your digital perimeter: network, cloud, emails, servers, and endpoints included. Basically, XDR software covers the entire attack surface.

Problems XDR Software Solves

The digital landscape changed a lot and in a fast pace, and it is continuously expanding. In the past years, endpoints extended to define containers, IoT devices, and mobile devices. These all brought new challenges to security teams, who had to deal with specific, new vulnerabilities.

The quantity of data to collect and analyze is tremendous. The security team must be on alert regarding not only the hundreds of different endpoints, but the corporate network, email servers, and their cloud environment too. While all these are interconnected, it only takes one piece of the puzzle to be compromised, and the whole digital perimeter might be at risk.

XDR software offers complete visibility over the entire system, no matter how complex. Additionally, it helps detect and respond to threats faster and also prioritize potential risks. It`s a modern day’s tool responding to modern day`s threats. XDR software solves a series of problems:

  • Hunts stealthy, advanced threats across different data silos,
  • Analyzes security events automatically,
  • Scans endpoints for potential issues,
  • Anticipates future attacks,
  • Coordinates the other security tools through one platform,
  • Prioritizes and correlates alerts,
  • Covers for lack of talent which is a growing problem in the cybersecurity business.

XDR Software Benefits for Security Teams

XDR software supports security teams’ efforts by offering unity and visibility across the entire digital perimeter. Furthermore, the tool`s capability of analyzing, prioritizing and even responding to a variety of threats bolsters the enterprise`s cybersecurity posture. Here are some of the many ways XDR software helps security teams protect the company`s assets.

xdr software benefits for security teams

Total visibility

XDR offers a more comprehensive insight into a company`s security environment. As it integrates telemetry data from endpoints, networks, email, etc. XDR easily brings connections between alerts and incidents in the spotlight. This enables security teams with amazing threat visibility which would otherwise be extremely time and resource-consuming to achieve.

Reduced alert fatigue

XDR saves the time analysts would have spent to investigate manually each threat. Less noise leads to more relevant work done. An XDR software collates related alerts, so that the security team will get the complete map of the incident, from the start. This way, the security specialists will be able to focus better on actually solving the problem.


Not only does XDR software prioritize incidents, but it also comes with a recommended action plan in line with the industry and the company`s compliance standards. Thus, it avoids ignoring complex compliance issues that might occur under pressure.


Say goodbye to redundant tasks that seem to take forever. XDR tools ease the pressure on the analyst team, saving precious time and energy, by automatically solving repetitive tasks.

Efficiency boost

Unifying security tools under one large, flexible roof means better management. Consequently, the security team will have the whole environment and processes in front of the eyes. This obviously simplifies the analysts` work, so they can act faster.

On-spot threat detection

In cybersecurity, time is critical. In this context, XDR offers the advantage of detecting threats in real time. Additionally, the tool can automatically deploy the suitable solution. Thus, unauthorized access is either immediately denied or utterly reduced.

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The next level of security – powered by the Heimdal Unified Security Platform

Experience the power of the Heimdal cloud-delivered XDR platform and protect your organization from cyber threats.

  • End-to-end consolidated cybersecurity;
  • Complete visibility across your entire IT infrastructure;
  • Faster and more accurate threat detection and response;
  • Efficient one-click automated and assisted actioning

Heimdal® XDR – Real-time Threat Hunting and Response

Whether you chose to work on Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace, Heimdal XDR or the MXDR service offers total protection for your digital environment. Through its cutting-edge features, your security team can keep threat actors` malicious intents away with a minimum effort.

The Heimdal XDR solution offers:

  • Next-Gen Threat Intel

Bi-lateral telemetry, forensics details, insights on the ransomware process, Heimdal`s AI/ML predictive models and Extended Threat Protection (XTP) detection engine provide the security team valuable intelligence to counter fight advanced threats.

  • Intelligent Insights for all Operations

Heimdal XDR offers highly accurate and customizable rules that are ready to use and don’t generate false positives. Threat hunting, investigating, maintaining records, or creating reports will be easier and faster to cover.

  • Integrated Threat Hunting

Use pre-computed risk scores, indicators, and detailed attack analysis to take better decisions and act faster when a threat arises.

  • Automated Remediation & Response

Our platform`s Action Center enables security teams to automatically solve potential threats with one-click.

All in all, Heimdal XDR brings multiple, advanced security technologies together while dramatically reducing complexity of the processes and costs. Security management is much simpler when you use one solution that governs a complete set of tools. Get in touch with us to lower your costs and give your SecOps and IT resources a more efficient use.

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Original Post URL: https://heimdalsecurity.com/blog/how-xdr-software-help-security-teams/

Category & Tags: Endpoint security – Endpoint security

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