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Zacks Investment Research data breach impacted hundreds of thousands of customers

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Zacks Investment Research (Zacks) disclosed a data breach, the security may have exposed the data of 820K customers.

Zacks Investment Research (Zacks) disclosed a data breach, the security incident may have affected the personal information of its 820,000 customers.

“On December 28, 2022, Zacks learned that an unknown third-party had gained unauthorized access to certain customer records described below. We believe the unauthorized access occurred sometime between November 2021 and August 2022.” reads the notice of data breach. “Upon this discovery, Zacks took immediate action to implement additional security measures to our network, and to investigate and understand the scope of the incident.”

Zacks is the leading investment research firm focusing on stock research, analysis, and recommendations.

The company discovered the intrusion at the end of 2022, it believes the unauthorized access took place sometime between November 2021 and August 2022.

According to the notice, threat actors had access to an older database of customers who had signed up for the Zacks Elite product between November 1999 through February 2005.

Exposed customers’ data may include name, address, phone number, email address, and password used for Zacks.com. The company doesn’t believe that threat actors had access to any customer credit card information, any other customer financial information, or any other customer personal information.

The investment research firm announced it has implemented additional security measures to protect its systems and is investigating to determine the extent of the incident.

The company added that it has no evidence that financial data has been exposed due to the security incident.

“We have no reason to believe any customer credit card information, any other customer financial information, or any other customer personal information was accessed.” concludes the notice.

The company also resets the password of compromised accounts in response to the security breach.

Impacted customers should also change the password for all other online accounts for which they used the same credentials as their Zacks account. Customers are also recommended to monitor financial accounts and consumer credit reports.

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Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, data breach)

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