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Addressing the cyber security talent shortage: APAC and beyond

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Globally, in the last year, the cyber security workforce has seen the greatest growth in the Asia-Pacific region. However, the region is still struggling to fill 2.16 million cyber security vacancies. Sixty-percent of APAC organizations continue to report a significant shortage of security staff, according to a recent ISC2 study.

As noted above, Asia-Pacific has experienced the greatest gains when it comes to recruiting and hiring in cyber security, but the skills shortage remains severe. In the absence of adequate cyber security talent, organizations continue to hobble along, at-risk of damaging or even business extinction-level events.

Worldwide numbers

In 2022, the worldwide cyber security workforce increased by 11.1%. While Asia-Pacific saw the largest workforce growth (at 15.6%), the region registered a 52.4% wider talent gap than in the year before. In contrast with overall trends, Singapore saw a 16.5% decrease in its acquisition of cyber security staff, making it one of only two markets to see its workforce shrink.

Key facts

Asia-Pacific’s cyber security workforce increased by 15.6%
EMEA’s cyber security workforce expanded by 12.5%
Latin America’s cyber security workforce grew by 12.2%
North America’s cyber security workforce expanded by 6.2%
Germany recorded a marginal 0.01% dip in its workforce

Overall, the global security workforce shortage worsened by 26.2%.

Asia-Pacific numbers

In Asia-Pacific, 50% of organizations have expressed concerns regarding the cyber security skills shortage. However, optimism reigns. Seventy-one percent of organizations anticipate that the region will see an increase in security staff within the next year, as compared to 53% and 41% who indicated likewise in 2021 and 2020, respectively.

In Singapore, more than 65% of organizations are seeing a surging interest in talent training and security awareness initiatives as a means of offsetting talent acquisition challenges. While this represents a step in the right direction, employee awareness is not a replacement for skilled cyber security professionals.

World Economic Forum research shows that 59% of cyber security leaders would find it a strain to respond to a cyber security incident due to the lack of internally available professionals to handle corresponding fallout. The ongoing cyber security skills gap means that organizations will struggle to protect their infrastructure.

Further perspectives

There is an urgent need to close the cyber security skills gap, but the global cyber security workforce needs to expand by 65% to effectively secure organizations’ critical assets.

Traditional hiring processes are insufficient. Many HR teams are looking for “unicorn” hires, diversity in hiring appears weak, and training opportunities within organizations are often limited. And new graduates often struggle to navigate the multiplicity of paths within the IT and security spheres. Something needs to change – and fast.

As one workforce security expert says, “…even if we had unlimited funding to go hire the best people, there just aren’t enough best people.”

Developing a sustainable pipeline of cyber security talent demands active partnerships and efforts across industries, academia, government, educational and non-profit groups. As part of that effort, Check Point has partnered with Cybrary to deliver world-class cyber security and career development training to all.

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